Applying to MD/PhD programs, should I email faculty about interest in their labs?

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Apr 22, 2019
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Hey guys, I was working on my UT southwestern secondary and saw that for MD/PhD it requests a list of 5 faculty whose research interests me. For this program, and the others I am applying to, would it be worthwhile to email these professors to let them know my interest, and ask more about their research and my fit (based off my experience thus far)?

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Agree to wait until you get the invite. However, if it is an odd lab or situation, it might help in general to communicate with them prior to the interview. My lab was the only reason I applied to the MSTP that I ended up at. I discussed with the lab director my interest prior to interviews, and that made it helpful when interviewing. I could discuss that I already knew where I wanted to go if I was accepted, why I had a specific interest in the school, focused career goal, etc. I think this helped me tremendously.
BTW, I just noticed my '15+ year Member' designation. Holy s6!t, has it been that long?. After all this, I start my dream job in just over a month.