Are these the main pre-requirements course I need to take

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Full Member
Dec 23, 2021
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Hello, Are these the main pre-requirements courses because each school has it different or named differently the course number I don't want to be taking classes I need because I'm majoring in cyber security for bachelors than going for a post-bachelor degree?

what do they mean by post-bachelor and what would I major on to finish the remainder of the science classes and do I need to complete in full ?

sorry for me asking I'm a newbie to all this

general bio 1 year with lab

- general Chem 1 year with lab

- organic chem 1 year with lab (or equivalent)

- physics 1 yr with lab (a few schools might require less)

- English 1 yr (most schools take AP credit)

- math 1 yr (can be just calculus or statistics + calculus classes combined)

- biochemistry (upper division) usually 1 semester or quarter, sometimes longer depending on the course(s) you take or school

- psychology/sociology (varies from school, some don’t require just recommend)

A few schools require things like Genetics or Microbiology, but very few

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Hello, Are these the main pre-requirements courses because each school has it different or named differently the course number I don't want to be taking classes I need because I'm majoring in cyber security for bachelors than going for a post-bachelor degree?

what do they mean by post-bachelor and what would I major on to finish the remainder of the science classes and do I need to complete in full ?

sorry for me asking I'm a newbie to all this

general bio 1 year with lab

- general Chem 1 year with lab

- organic chem 1 year with lab (or equivalent)

- physics 1 yr with lab (a few schools might require less)

- English 1 yr (most schools take AP credit)

- math 1 yr (can be just calculus or statistics + calculus classes combined)

- biochemistry (upper division) usually 1 semester or quarter, sometimes longer depending on the course(s) you take or school

- psychology/sociology (varies from school, some don’t require just recommend)

A few schools require things like Genetics or Microbiology, but very few
Yup, those are it!