ASMNY (U at Buffalo) Post Bacc

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7+ Year Member
Feb 18, 2015
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Hey everyone,

I recently was nominated to this program by Albert Einstein COM and wanted to know if anyone has any info on it that has gone through it before or is considering it. It sounds pretty amazing based on the offer letter but there isnt much information out there about it that I could find.


Ps. The Post bacc forum dosent seem to get much traffic so I wanted to post here as well.

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OMG I've been looking for info on this too. It sounds absolutely awesome... have you applied yet? When did they send you the application/nomination? Do you have to do anything special? Are you an NY resident? Sorry, I just haven't been able to find anything about the program or anyone who has participated.
OMG I've been looking for info on this too. It sounds absolutely awesome... have you applied yet? When did they send you the application/nomination? Do you have to do anything special? Are you an NY resident? Sorry, I just haven't been able to find anything about the program or anyone who has participated.

Hey so I didnt actually apply Einstein just nominated me a few days ago and I accepted the offer. I interviewed there at the beginning of the cycle and was ultimately rejected so this is a very nice consolation prize lol :)
Im not a NY resident, no. Which I found odd because I read online the program is kind of made for NY residents so I guess I got pretty lucky.
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Oh, wow. Well, please post on how it goes, I'd love to know. And congrats!!
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Well, as far as I understand you can't apply directly but I would LOVE to be invited. A couple of the schools I'm applying to recommend there! We'll see though.
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