AUD Grad School

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Nov 30, 2008
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Does anyone know which graduate schools do not charge tuition (or give a stipend) for 4th year externship students? Or what schools have 3 year programs? I know the University of Indiana has 3 year program.

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The matrix of fee schedules for all existing universities out there is daunting. You'd do best to call institutions you're intersted in applying to and asking these sorts of questions to admissions directors...I doubt anyone in these forums would know something like that. :eek:
I attend SDSU/UCSD and we are able to choose from many different externship sites for the 4th year that pay stipends of various amounts, possibly ranging from $30-40,000. Also, if accepted, every student in the program is offered a graduate assistantship for the first three years to help pay tuition.

Hope this helps :)

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