Away Elective Applications

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10+ Year Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Hello all!

So I'm almost halfway through 3rd year, I'm and looking forward to setting up my 4th year schedule. Is there a central database that contains the visiting medical student applications for each program? I have gone to several schools' individual Department of Orthopedic Surgery websites. Searching for the applications individually takes a lot of time!


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Hahahaha, what's up? I am wondering the same thing.
They experimented with one last year. VSAS. I recommed getting in touch with the programs you are interested in ASAP. Have your application completed and on their desk the first day they accept them. The spots go fast.
Last year I went to each school's website where I was interested in potentially rotating. In the end, I had to use VSAS, since I went to one of those schools, and my school limits the number of electives we can do in 1 specialty (eg. ortho sub-I at home, 1 ortho away).

There were a lot of glitches in VSAS, and maybe by now people have figured them out.