Away Rotations

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Nov 6, 2001
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Can you do your core rotations away or is that only possible with electives?

Lets say I went to school in NY or NJ, could I do my 3rd and 4th year rotations in California?

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Samoa said:
Only in the event that a) you transfer before 3rd year, or b) a hurricane destroys your school and the LCME says it's OK to do them elsewhere. :D

Are you talking about the core rotations? I know that you can do away electives. I guess I am asking more about the core rotations.
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I don't know of any schools that allow you to do your core rotations away.
Tiki said:
I don't know of any schools that allow you to do your core rotations away.

Mine does. Though they all have to be in-state and only at certain sites during third year. Fourth year we can fill our requirements wherever we want as long as we spend a certain number of weeks in-house.

To the OP my school is more the exception than the rule. Check with individual schools on this because they will have different policies.
erin682 said:
Mine does. Though they all have to be in-state and only at certain sites during third year. Fourth year we can fill our requirements wherever we want as long as we spend a certain number of weeks in-house.

To the OP my school is more the exception than the rule. Check with individual schools on this because they will have different policies.

yeah similarly, at meharry u can do your gen surg and peds core clerkships at vandy given u are in good standing with the school..but thats about it..then 4th year they have a link with the electives from both schools.