AZCOM Class of 2012 Thread

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whats' the avg mcat for azcom? Do they have a regular m.d. program?thanks

I'm not sure I should even respond to this, but I think you should do a little research before you start posting things. But we are a way better than regular D.O. program.

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Hey guys,

Looks like AZCOM just completed this website answering any potential questions that may arise due to the class increase that was officially approved a couple of months ago. In it, they actually give more specific information as to the number, location (geographically and which hospital system, and sometimes even the specific hospital name), and which specialties. As you can see by their graph, they already have more rotations set for 2010 than are actually needed.

Another good thing is that they are in the process of adding 5 additional residency programs to their portfolio, which is nice:thumbup:
Thanks Crt!! :D
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Have you tried calling the dean's office? The website needs some work, and they recognize that are working on its content and format I believe. From what it sounds like, you might have to leave the Phoenix metro area for a rotation or two, but the majority of them are nearby. Plus, you can switch with other people and their sites as long as you tell the dean. As for getting spots that you would want to do a residency at, it's a lottery system right now (as many schools are), so you won't have too much say in going where you want. But, there are "audition rotations" where you get to pick where you want to possibly go to a future residency for. Would you really want your first rotation be the impression you leave at a place you want to do a residency? I know I don't. Having a few under my belt to get use to the swing of things before I show off my skills sounds like a better idea to me. :) Best of luck!!

Again, thank you for your response. And I agree with your statement about having some rotation experience before "auditioning". This is all water under the bridge now that they have actually given us a lot of this info on their site now:):). Now for some inconsequential questions.....How is all the construction and additions going? Is the campus fully wifi'd? Is there plenty of study space in the library and such now? Do you really have weekly quizes/tests rather than block tests every 4-5 wks? Do you like that? You can see how now that I have been put at ease in regards to the disclosure of the rotation sites my questions are much more trivial and easy huh??:laugh:...Oh maybe one more hard one....Is the school everything you hoped it would be so far?
la la la...i have noooooooo life :cool:'s zero degrees where i live today.
all of my classes are super easy. all i can think of is moving out to the warm weather.

I decided I want to live in San Lagos. Does anyone have any advice on whether to have a roommate or live alone? I cant decide. The price difference sucks but I don't know how safe it is to go in blind. Does anyone have any good/bad roommate experience they want to share? Also, what is the best way to go about finding a roommate to live off of campus with?

Anyone have any good ideas about how to waste my time. I'm going to start working out more often, maybe read a book...try to avoid freezing...
la la la...i have noooooooo life :cool:'s zero degrees where i live today.
all of my classes are super easy. all i can think of is moving out to the warm weather.

I decided I want to live in San Lagos. Does anyone have any advice on whether to have a roommate or live alone? I cant decide. The price difference sucks but I don't know how safe it is to go in blind. Does anyone have any good/bad roommate experience they want to share? Also, what is the best way to go about finding a roommate to live off of campus with?

Anyone have any good ideas about how to waste my time. I'm going to start working out more often, maybe read a book...try to avoid freezing...

I'm not sure how you can be sure of any situation before it happens, but hopefully things work out for the best, and at this point in our lives, most people know if they are better off sharing a place or living on their own, so I'd hope any roommate situation should be fine? Also, you could ask the school if they have a list of students looking for roommates, otherwise just through SDN, interact now or facebook you can hook up with people to room with. I already found a roommate through interact now. A few first years said that they found eachother on SDN and they all share a house now. So I don't think it is abnormal to find people that way. Good luck!... and maybe if you are unsure if you want a roommate, maybe don't get one? That wouldn't be fair to the person you are living with if you are not sure if you want to be sharing a place.
Again, thank you for your response. And I agree with your statement about having some rotation experience before "auditioning". This is all water under the bridge now that they have actually given us a lot of this info on their site now:):). Now for some inconsequential questions.....How is all the construction and additions going? Is the campus fully wifi'd? Is there plenty of study space in the library and such now? Do you really have weekly quizes/tests rather than block tests every 4-5 wks? Do you like that? You can see how now that I have been put at ease in regards to the disclosure of the rotation sites my questions are much more trivial and easy huh??:laugh:...Oh maybe one more hard one....Is the school everything you hoped it would be so far?

Hahhaha. Well, construction's going really fast from what I can tell, though I unfortunately don't have much prior knowledge on it. The only real problem is the library is taking longer than expected to renovate, so it cuts down on study space. They have opened up the cafeteria 24 hours and there is a 24-hour study room, so there are places to study, but if you need to have a book in the library or prefer studying there, some day it's a little crowded. With that said, the library renovations are taking longer because they only work when we're not in it, and the library has long hours, so only short time frames for work. Over the summer though, it sounds like they'll be able to get a lot done. Personally, the library "problem" hasn't affected me at all, but I do know many people it has.

As for the testing weekly, I actually like it...minus taking a test every week. It does have it's positives and negatives though, but overall, it's nice to have multiple chances for grades. Personally, I feel that the major downside is that tests are on Monday mornings, so you don't get a weekend really. That's taken adjusting to, but Monday has become the new Saturday. :) Plus, it's normally one test a week versus a whole week of tests (the rare week has more though).

And lastly, the WiFi. No, the campus is not 100% wireless yet, but it sounds like they're working on it and there are areas that are wireless. As someone who likes the internet, it really hasn't been too big of a problem. We're pushing for wireless in the classroom, but the desks are a little small to have the laptop out and your notes. So, in conclusion, school has been pretty much what I thought it would be. The clubs/organizations, as a whole, aren't as active as I thought they would be, but that's something that I'm sure fluctuates with the student population. Oh, the professors are more personable, friendly, and better lecturers than I would have thought after shadowing some other schools (won't mention any names). Best of luck!
I just called and found out I was accepted. This was my first choice so I'm canceling my other interviews and I will see you all in August.

I'm be there with my beautiful wife and our 1 year old son and our little Shih Tzu (maybe... the dog may have to stay at Grandma's for a few years).

Anyway, I'm excited to meet you all!
I just called and found out I was accepted. This was my first choice so I'm canceling my other interviews and I will see you all in August.

I'm be there with my beautiful wife and our 1 year old son and our little Shih Tzu (maybe... the dog may have to stay at Grandma's for a few years).

Anyway, I'm excited to meet you all!

Congrats slim!! Do you know what kind of housing you guys will be getting? Maybe we can get our kids together for a playdate! :D
Congrats slim!! Do you know what kind of housing you guys will be getting? Maybe we can get our kids together for a playdate! :D

Not really sure yet. I know the student housing is completely full. And my wife would like a house so that we can keep our dog. Or we may look for an apartment that will let us have a dog. I know she wants to live around other students/moms/people our age so that she has some friends.

I just wish I could buy a house!
Not really sure yet. I know the student housing is completely full. And my wife would like a house so that we can keep our dog. Or we may look for an apartment that will let us have a dog. I know she wants to live around other students/moms/people our age so that she has some friends.

I just wish I could buy a house!

We actually thought about buying a house but decided to rent (a house that is) instead. We're looking mainly at the Surprise area. One reason is because the daycares out there seem to have fewer problems. Will your son be going to daycare?
We actually thought about buying a house but decided to rent (a house that is) instead. We're looking mainly at the Surprise area. One reason is because the daycares out there seem to have fewer problems. Will your son be going to daycare?

My wife wants to stay home with our son. She is done with school (Bachelors in psychology) but doesn't really want to work.

She says that the two of them will hang out at the pool every day. She really doesn't like hot climates. Oh well!
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My wife wants to stay home with our son. She is done with school (Bachelors in psychology) but doesn't really want to work.

She says that the two of them will hang out at the pool every day. She really doesn't like hot climates. Oh well!

I can see why she would want to stay home. I've been a stay-at-home mom since my son was born almost three years ago and I've really enjoyed the time I've had with them. You can tell your wife that even though I hope to be a med student in the fall I am also a mom and consider myself to be a pretty good friend although I am somewhat of a dork. I don't have a B.S. in Psychology but I do in Counseling and I'm always open to having new friends! :D
Has anyone received their school assigned e-mail address yet? I'm waiting for my loan package to arrive soon.
mmmm school email address. thats a good question. imma look into that.
If you go to the and log in according to the username and password they sent you in the mail, your email information should be under the "Information Technology" tab.

They don't send it to you in the mail, as far as I've gotten anyway, I just was looking at this website one day and it was there in that section.

Hope that helps.
Have you guys seen this?

I think this building is going to be for the dental school, but it is still pretty need to watch the students walk by and think "Hey! That is going to be me in 6 months!"

Especially since the weather looks great and I'm stuck in a blizzard here in Utah.
Have you guys seen this?

I think this building is going to be for the dental school, but it is still pretty need to watch the students walk by and think "Hey! That is going to be me in 6 months!"

Especially since the weather looks great and I'm stuck in a blizzard here in Utah.

I can see the picture but no motion because it asks for a login and password.
I can see the picture but no motion because it asks for a login and password.

Really? I'm getting video without a password.

It is cool. It kind of reminds me of fraggle rock for some reason. Or watching an ant farm. I love it.
If you go to the and log in according to the username and password they sent you in the mail, your email information should be under the "Information Technology" tab.

They don't send it to you in the mail, as far as I've gotten anyway, I just was looking at this website one day and it was there in that section.

Hope that helps.

I cant find my email address either - perhaps because my checklist isn't all the way complete yet? Is yours?
Once you log in to the applicant portal you should see two tabs in the upper left hand corner, "Applicant" and "Personal." Click on the "Applicant" tab and then you should see four sub-tabs, one of them being "Information Technology." Then on the left hand side of the screen, you should see "MWU webmail account." I apologize if you already figured this out and it still didn't work! I know mine comes up and my checklist is complete except for transcripts.
Once you log in to the applicant portal you should see two tabs in the upper left hand corner, "Applicant" and "Personal." Click on the "Applicant" tab and then you should see four sub-tabs, one of them being "Information Technology." Then on the left hand side of the screen, you should see "MWU webmail account." I apologize if you already figured this out and it still didn't work! I know mine comes up and my checklist is complete except for transcripts.

Which applicant portal is that, the one if you've already been accepted? Or is it the interact now?
The one you use after you've been accepted, not InteractNow.

Okay thanks! I haven't even interviewed yet so I'll just have my husband sign in for me. :D
Sorry for not being clear, and yes, my checklist is complete, so maybe that makes a difference.
Have you guys seen this?

I think this building is going to be for the dental school, but it is still pretty need to watch the students walk by and think "Hey! That is going to be me in 6 months!"

Especially since the weather looks great and I'm stuck in a blizzard here in Utah.

lol... i guess i am glad I haven't done anything embarassing when walking by there! i pass that building like 4 times a day!
If you're looking for a roomate you could check with student services. They have a folder full of people looking for roommates/rooms to rent. I ended up living alone first year and had a classmate move in with me this year--she was tired of living on campus. It worked out great!
For those wishing some updates on what AZCOM is doing here you go:

Construction -
Glendale Hall - Well under way and it has most of the foundation in place. For those who don't know this is the 2900 seat lecture hall. I give it another 2 weeks or so before steel framing goes up.

Dental Building - As you can see from the camera the building is shooting up very quickly. I give it another month and the exterior will be done. That is a lot of brick to go up, but they are steadily moving along.

Gymnasium - I understand the gym will be the last to be completed. Mostly so all the resources will be used to finish the classroom buildings.

Chapel - Hasn't been started yet from what I can tell.

My takes -
I am just finishing the second term and I can very much say I am impressed with the school. Dean Kemper has worked very hard to improve the school and has gone out of her way to make sure things happen. The professors are overall very good and very accessible. I have my gripes against a few, but they do make every effort to improve. The rotations are in place and more are coming. Arizona is a great place, you will especially love the winters.

My only complaint is tuition, but for what you are getting a whole lot for what you pay for.
Anyone trying to get into on-campus housing?

I know they keep saying it is full, but I filled out the application anyway. I figured since the deposit is refundable it wouldn't hurt.

I wonder if I have any chance of actually getting in though.

During the interviews they said they were going to build more student housing units. Anyone have any more info on this? Like when will they be done? Is there any possibility that we can get into on-campus housing, or will being first-years automatically mean we are on a wait list?
I'm not so sure the housing deposit is refundable. I know it wasn't when the on-campus housing application opened. Has it changed now that the housing is supposedly full?

I sent in my application maybe an hour or two after it went live, so I'm really hoping to end up there. We'll see what happens though.
I'm not so sure the housing deposit is refundable. I know it wasn't when the on-campus housing application opened. Has it changed now that the housing is supposedly full?

I sent in my application maybe an hour or two after it went live, so I'm really hoping to end up there. We'll see what happens though.

I also read that if they can't place you in an on-campus apartment then you will be refunded the deposit. If you get one but choose to live elsewhere I think you're out of luck though.
Wow, that's a lot nicer than taking the money and running. Good to know, thanks.
I also read that if they can't place you in an on-campus apartment then you will be refunded the deposit. If you get one but choose to live elsewhere I think you're out of luck though.

You're right; if you don't get an on-campus apartment, they don't keep the $100. But if you do get an apartment and then choose to not keep it, you lose the bucks.

Some people will probably relinquish their on-campus spots as the months go by, so it is still worthwhile to apply. They don't cash your check until you get an apartment.
AZCOM sends incoming students a pair of scrubs right? Any idea when/if these are coming or how we get them?

Not that I really need them or anything. I'm just excited and I like free stuff.
AZCOM sends incoming students a pair of scrubs right? Any idea when/if these are coming or how we get them?

Not that I really need them or anything. I'm just excited and I like free stuff.

Hello all AZCOMers, after reading through the AZCOM threads on SDN i decided to send in my secondary and all to AZCOM, i've been accepted to a few DO schools and have an interview at AZCOM 4/9...i really like the area, and my uncle graduated from Midwestern. I guess what i'm trying to ask is, should i spend the ~$500 to travel for the interview (hoping there will still be a seat available) or go with a school i've already been accepted to? any and all insight is very much appreciated

Hello all AZCOMers, after reading through the AZCOM threads on SDN i decided to send in my secondary and all to AZCOM, i've been accepted to a few DO schools and have an interview at AZCOM 4/9...i really like the area, and my uncle graduated from Midwestern. I guess what i'm trying to ask is, should i spend the ~$500 to travel for the interview (hoping there will still be a seat available) or go with a school i've already been accepted to? any and all insight is very much appreciated


Thats a good question, I would say YES! But it really depends on what you believe is important in a medical school - if you ask some specific questions I'd be happy to do my best to answer from what I know - and I'm sure other posters would too!

The HUGE selling points for me were: New facilities, amazing weather, faculty dedicated to their students, an almost 100% board passing rate with an average score 7 points above the national median, and crazy-good residency matches if you are looking to go into a specialty!!! In my opinion this is the best D.O. school behind MSUCOM (i go to msu and it is 0° here)

Hope that helps a little!!:love: Liz
Ugh, those free scrubs they send you are AWFUL. The crotch of the pants comes down to your knees.

And anyway, by the time anatomy ends (like it will for us in under TWO DAYS) you'll wear anything to anatomy lab, sequins included. :)
The couple pairs of hospital scrubs I own all have the low crotch, huge waist band thing going on, but yet I find them incredibly comfortable. As long as there is an appropriate means of tying them up. :)

On a side note: Where is everyone at with submitting financial aid and FAFSA stuff??
On a side note: Where is everyone at with submitting financial aid and FAFSA stuff??

Most of the financial aid stuff is (or can be) submitted online. If you have to mail anything in, I think the financial aid office address is on the MWU Online website.
I'm still waiting on the Award Letter. Anybody get theirs yet? I was under the impression that they started working on them this month.
Is there a deadline for that stuff? I kinda sent it off to my mom in hopes she would take care of it (she is retired and bored now adays and im still in school) But I should probably start getting on the ball eh?
Is there a deadline for that stuff? I kinda sent it off to my mom in hopes she would take care of it (she is retired and bored now adays and im still in school) But I should probably start getting on the ball eh?

The deadline is somewhere in mid-April. They sent out an email with the due date for everyone and the MS-1 group is due a little later than everyone else.

I'm pretty sure the actual due date is on the financial aid portion of the website, if you want an exact deadline.
The deadline is somewhere in mid-April. They sent out an email with the due date for everyone and the MS-1 group is due a little later than everyone else.

I'm pretty sure the actual due date is on the financial aid portion of the website, if you want an exact deadline.

alright cool..thanks
Is there a deadline for that stuff? I kinda sent it off to my mom in hopes she would take care of it (she is retired and bored now adays and im still in school) But I should probably start getting on the ball eh?
I am jealous. I hate doing stuff like this and would love to be able to give the responsibility to someone else.
If anyone is interested in going on a EUROTRIP this summer let me know - a couple ppl in our incoming class are thinking of going!!:p