AZCOM secondary

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Family Man
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Jul 1, 2004
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For those of you who got interview invites to AZCOM, how long did it take to get the invite once your file was considered "complete" on Interact now? I guess I am just getting ahead of the game because I just got my secondary yesterday. I just want an idea of what to expect.

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For those of you who got interview invites to AZCOM, how long did it take to get the invite once your file was considered "complete" on Interact now? I guess I am just getting ahead of the game because I just got my secondary yesterday. I just want an idea of what to expect.

do not rely on interact now. after i submitted my secondary, i got an email about the invite 6 days later (of which, 4 were business days). my interact now still says "expected" for my secondary--so dont depend on interact now.