"Also, is there a "popular" site that AZCOM students like to go for their hospital rotations out of state?
If anyone has the means, could someone give some examples of schedules used by AZCOM students for their 3rd and 4th year rotations in the past??"
There are popular hospitals we go to, usually because there is free housing and sometimes free meals.
In no particular order:
1. St. Vincent's in Toledo, free housing and meals.
2. Bottsford hospital in Michigan, free housing.
3. Eastmoreland in Portland (?), free housing.
4. St Barnabus in a sketchy NYC neighborhood, free housing.
In state:
Lake Havasu hospital, free housing
Sierra Vista hospital, free housing (acutally, it might be all of $45 for the month of housing)
Kingman hospital, free housing
Tucson hospital, free housing
Prescott VA hospital, free housing
There are more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. If you are interested in a rotation, even if it is one that would be new to AZCOM, (let's say you want to go back home to Cuyahoga Falls, OH for a month), many times they have free housing if you just ask. If they are used to having students, they often have it all set up already.
I am doing at least one rotation in Toledo at St. Vincent's, that's how I know there is a food allowance for the cafeteria there.
Here is what I've set up so far for third year:
-OMM with Dr. Shoup (one of the teachers here)
-Family Med back in Madison, WI
-Psych at the VA in Prescott (free housing)
-Cardio with a doc in town that came highly recommended from my friends doing rotations now.
-Peds in Ohio, either Toledo or a different place with free housing.
-Surgery in town with another friend-recommended doc
-OBGYN I'm still waiting on this one...it is at a womens clinic in a different state (with free housing) that must let that state's med students choose first. They said I am welcome there, I just have to wait after a certain date to apply, and I will probably get in.
My backup OB is a highly recommended doc from one of the Instate places mentioned above (Kingman)
-Rural in Lake Havasu
-Internal Med in Toledo
-Elective in what I want to do my residency in, at the school I want to do my residency in, out of state. No housing.
-Fourth year I am doing a rotation abroad
These are all very good rotations, they come highly recommended. When you first hear about setting up rotations, it sounds intimidating and eveyone tells you to relax, but you can't. Now I am setting up my rotations and I see how it is possible to relax...it's not so bad. Do not try to construct a written-in-stone schedule, because everybody's schedule changed at least a little. You may switch two of them around, you may get one you really wanted and have to drop one that you wanted. (That happened to me...I really wanted my OM choice, and due to scheduling conflicts I had to give up my local Family Med doc that I wanted. But that was OK, because there are plenty of great Family Med rotations around.)
Or, you can just hit the "lottery" button when you're setting them up and Linda Hammond will fill it for you. You can do Lottery on every single choice, or only one choice if you like, or no choice at all. I didn't want to do lottery for any of them, I wanted rotations that folks had recommended. No matter what anyone says, it's not all done by a certain date. It is flexible, things change. It's OK.
Hmmm...I don't think this post is long enough!
Any more questions?
BTW, the Clinical Ed office is overflowing with brochures from hospitals all around the country that want us to do rotations or residencies there. The most popular sites (like the ones mentioned above) are usually in a bin all of their own, with all the instructions and info you need. And you can also download the info and applications of the most popular hospitals off the Clinical Ed webpage.
Hope this helps.