Benefits of CCOM or DMU

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You're My Boy Blue

Second Time's a Charm
7+ Year Member
Jun 10, 2015
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What are some of the benefits of CCOM vs. DMU. My current thoughts are below. I am wondering if current students or people who have chosen one school over the other could give me their reasoning.
CCOM: Awesome rotation sites, established school, match list, close to home
DMU: Enjoyed the student atmosphere of the school more than CCOM, established school, price

I am not from Iowa and know very little about the DMU rotation sites. They could be great but honestly I have no idea.

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What are some of the benefits of CCOM vs. DMU. My current thoughts are below. I am wondering if current students or people who have chosen one school over the other could give me their reasoning.
CCOM: Awesome rotation sites, established school, match list, close to home
DMU: Enjoyed the student atmosphere of the school more than CCOM, established school, price

I am not from Iowa and know very little about the DMU rotation sites. They could be great but honestly I have no idea.

The schools are of similar caliber in resources and caliber. In this instance I would go with cost because the tuition difference is pretty significant
For you it seems to come down to price vs. being close to home. Other aspects are pretty equal. What's more important to you?
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If you go to DMU, you have a fairly good chance of being placed at a small, rural hospital for your clinical rotations. If you are not from Iowa, it may take sometime to get used to things there.

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What are some of the benefits of CCOM vs. DMU. My current thoughts are below. I am wondering if current students or people who have chosen one school over the other could give me their reasoning.
CCOM: Awesome rotation sites, established school, match list, close to home
DMU: Enjoyed the student atmosphere of the school more than CCOM, established school, price

I am not from Iowa and know very little about the DMU rotation sites. They could be great but honestly I have no idea.

The majority of our rotation sites are above average. Nothing spectacular, but pretty much none of the DO schools have anything spectacular except maybe the state schools.

DMU is at least just as established as CCOM because of their relatively similar lengths of existence so I'd consider this an irrelevant point. DMU does very well in the match as well and no DO school has anything spectacular when it comes to matching. On the DO side, your ceiling is vastly controlled by the work you put into school, boards, and eventual auditions. Does CCOM have some significant networking opportunities? Maybe. But you can rotate in the Chicago area for basically all of your 4th year if you want to at DMU because you schedule it yourself.

How close to home is CCOM? Can you live at home and save on rent? Because that's a legit factor here. And DMU is a 5 hour drive to the Chicago area depending what area you're from.

With tuition and fees you're talking 20k or so more per year to go to CCOM. I'm not financial savvy but I'm sure that's plenty of interest on top of that. In my opinion the 100k+ more worth interest included isn't worth the possible opportunities that CCOM has just because of its proximity to Chicago.

Just my two cents.

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