Bombed clinical case

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10+ Year Member
Sep 2, 2013
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I had a PGY1 interview yesterday, it was my first interview and it was my top choice so I was already super nervous.

The interview went great, the conversations were natural and the staff and RPD seemed to really like me. But then the case at the end, I didn't do that great.
I felt I gave a good assessment and explained my thought process, but my diagnosis was wrong for the patient and the preceptor had to lead me to the right answer. I was so disappointed in myself.

I'm just wondering if anyone didn't do that great during the clinical case and still able to Match? 🙁

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Its not about having the right or wrong answer. It is the thought process, the participation, and your ability to communicate. RESIDENCY CAN AND WILL TEACH YOU CLINICAL KNOWLEDGE. They are assessing everything else. -- I can PROMISE you that.
I had a PGY1 interview yesterday, it was my first interview and it was my top choice so I was already super nervous.

The interview went great, the conversations were natural and the staff and RPD seemed to really like me. But then the case at the end, I didn't do that great.
I felt I gave a good assessment and explained my thought process, but my diagnosis was wrong for the patient and the preceptor had to lead me to the right answer. I was so disappointed in myself.

I'm just wondering if anyone didn't do that great during the clinical case and still able to Match? 🙁
What is the point of doing a residency if you knew all the answers? The cases are meant to get a sense of your knowledge and to gauge whether you are teachable. If you knew everything, they may not hire you.