botox/filler courses legit or not?

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15+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2004
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I was hoping this would be the best thread because I figure the Derm people probably have the best handle on the legitimacy of these sorts of things.

Looking online, you can see all these certification courses for botox/filler classes/laser classes blah blah blah. My question is which one of these classes are considered legit (ie, offers appropriate training, recognized, etc) and which are the certification courses which are considered to be sham courses out to take naive physicians hard earned cash. Or am I right in assuming that just about all of them are considered sham courses in aesthetic medicine.

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I think aesthetic medicine can be considered a sham in general.

Most dermatology residencies only offer a handful of months in cosmetics and most of the residents I've seen will admit they don't feel fully prepared. (Whether they like it or not isn't the issue here. A lot of patients associate dermatology with some cosmetics so it would be nice to have that knowledge base)

If those residents feel uneasy, how can someone walk away from a weekend course boasting they know it all?

Personally, if I were interested in cosmetic care, I'd entrust my looks to a plastic surgeon.
I think aesthetic medicine can be considered a sham in general.

I agree. Don't smoke (wrinkles!), don't drink (beer belly!), exercise and do daily facial exercises. My 25-year old says that colleages her age have more wrinkles than me! 😀