Brown decision

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Oct 7, 2007
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I know Brown was supposed to have a committee meeting last night and post decisions today. Mine still hasn't shown up yet. Anyone else due to hear today?

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I know Brown was supposed to have a committee meeting last night and post decisions today. Mine still hasn't shown up yet. Anyone else due to hear today?

Me too- nothing up yet though. I totally forgot that you were going to be in my interview day. Which one were you??
good luck guys!!!
PS they emailed me the decision BEFORE my status page changed, unlike what they told us to expect.
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good luck guys!!!
PS they emailed me the decision BEFORE my status page changed, unlike what they told us to expect.

Can't check my email from work...
Me too- nothing up yet though. I totally forgot that you were going to be in my interview day. Which one were you??

I was the girl with brown hair in the brown suit. Probably doesn't ring any bells, haha. I remember who you were because you were from Wisconsin, I think?

I'm deathly scared of a day of not hearing followed by a weekend of anxiety. I hope they didn't change the meeting date!
I was the girl with brown hair in the brown suit. Probably doesn't ring any bells, haha. I remember who you were because you were from Wisconsin, I think?

I'm deathly scared of a day of not hearing followed by a weekend of anxiety. I hope they didn't change the meeting date!

Are you the one who went to Harvard but lives now back with parents for the gap year in NY? I don't remember clothing very well when we're all in suits!
And, yeah, if they don't tell us today I'm going to die
That was me!

Because I'm a psycho neurotic pre-med, I went back and looked at when people from other weeks heard, and we're already late! It seems after the past two meetings, decisions were posted by 2pm eastern time.

Not to sound like a dork, but I was looking forward to finding out all week!
Umm, neurotic premed or not- I did the same thing. Hours ago.

And I've also been looking forward all week. Brown is definitely a top choice of mine! It's so mean to tell us the decision will be up and then not put it up. They couldn't do that to us, could they??

It was a great interview day, though, wasn't it?
It was FAB in every way. Except for the whole being in Providence thing.

Anyway, that would be the ultimate in cruel to do that. I'm expecting a waitlist anyway, but I just want to KNOW.
It was FAB in every way. Except for the whole being in Providence thing.

Anyway, that would be the ultimate in cruel to do that. I'm expecting a waitlist anyway, but I just want to KNOW.

You don't like Providence? I thought it was really charming. But I'm from the midwest. Anything that isn't farmland is charming to me!

I'm definitely expecting a waitlist too. The odds aren't great when they only enroll 30-40 regular admission students! But, yeah, I want to know and put it out of my mind. I literally haven't been able to do anything since noon. Not good since I am at work...
Funny, I'm in the exact same situation. Sitting at work, being non-productive, and refreshing my page 1207520 times an hour.

I did think Providence was charming, and now that you mention it, there are a lot of worse places to do to medical school.

Please admit me Brown!
I'm challenging myself not to look again until 3:00 (I'm on Eastern Time too). Gonna try to get some work done, because refreshing my page every 2 minutes is just making me crazy. I'll come back at 3:00 for an update! GOOD LUCK!!!
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I so thought I was going to be rewarded for 25 minutes of productivity. Here's for another 30. Maybe I'll even wait until 4:00!

I am beginning to prepare myself for the possibility that we will not hear today.... :(
I just called and they have an automated message answering the phones and you have no shot at talking to a real person- just "to leave a message, press 9." Let's hope this means they're busy at the moment updating our freaking status pages!

Monday is President's Day. If it isn't today, we might have to wait until TUESDAY! I'm crawling out of my skin!!
yeah, I would prepare myself for the worst. I interviewed in November and they were supposed to have decisions made on Dec 21st. Well, one girl from my group had to wait until the next committee meeting in January :eek:
Yeah, they definitely said it would be today.

Now, as for our sanity...I'm not so sure. This whole application process sucks!
yeah, I would prepare myself for the worst. I interviewed in November and they were supposed to have decisions made on Dec 21st. Well, one girl from my group had to wait until the next committee meeting in January :eek:

That is SO not cool. And they won't even answer their stupid phone! How are we supposed to know what's going on??
Highly frustrating.

I don't even know what to do. Maybe I'll try emailing, and see if I get a response (though I definitely don't expect one today!)
Agreed. I am officially annoyed. What's the point of giving an exact date if you're not going to put the decision up then? I don't care if I have to wait 6 weeks instead of 3...I just don't want to have false hopes.

I still love Brown, but I am really bummed that my status page didn't change today. Is it just the two of us who seemingly got deferred to the next decision? Or are they just behind and haven't posted them yet?? These are the kinds of things that could be answered if they picked up their phone. Maybe they're out of the office for some reason today...I don't know. I'm sad. :(
I sent an email, but I don't really know what purpose it will serve. Oh well. I guess I just have to keep waiting.

I also heard from another top choice school that they sent my letter out YESTERDAY. So much waiting in this process!

GL cardboard...we will hear when we hear I guess...
I'm sad, too. :(

I called the number, and when I waited after they gave all the options, it said "someone will be with your shortly." So that may be a way to get a live person. Unfortunately, I won't be able to call until I leave work at 5pm, at which point they will probably be gone....
I've got some bad news. I got an email response really quickly- apparently they had to delay making the decisions and we will find out on March 14th instead. You should get an email- she said she just hasn't had time to email everyone yet.

So I guess that's it for another month.

Oh well. At least I know my letter from my other favorite school is in the mail. Ugh.
I've got some bad news. I got an email response really quickly- apparently they had to delay making the decisions and we will find out on March 14th instead. You should get an email- she said she just hasn't had time to email everyone yet.

So I guess that's it for another month.

Oh well. At least I know my letter from my other favorite school is in the mail. Ugh.
that STINKS. i'm so sorry. what school are you waiting for a letter from?
USC-Keck...aka the love of my life.
I've got some bad news. I got an email response really quickly- apparently they had to delay making the decisions and we will find out on March 14th instead. You should get an email- she said she just hasn't had time to email everyone yet.

So I guess that's it for another month.

Oh well. At least I know my letter from my other favorite school is in the mail. Ugh.
wtf!!! :eek:

that's not cool! :thumbdown:
Me and hereicome both interviewed on the furthest day away (January 24th, when they had their LAST meeting). I hope they don't forget who in the world we are by March 14th.

SO disappointing. I would feel better if I knew the reason WHY they were delaying.
Me and hereicome both interviewed on the furthest day away (January 24th, when they had their LAST meeting). I hope they don't forget who in the world we are by March 14th.

SO disappointing. I would feel better if I knew the reason WHY they were delaying.

Agreed. I don't understand at all. Also, I don't understand why they still haven't sent the email. Don't they know how many people are freaking out about this right now?

Cheers to waiting another whole month! It sucks but there's nothing we can do about it. I've accepted my fate now...
Ahhh I am so antsy!!! Please let me in :)