Built an App to check secondary statuses

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5+ Year Member
Nov 13, 2017
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MapAggregate - A Secondary Application Checker

I decided to build an app called MapAggregate to address a problem I had during the secondary application portion of this years application cycle by allowing the collected checking of your secondary applications.

I had an issue with a secondary application where it didn't provide me an email update when my status changed. I found this to not be a great situation to be in so I decided to do something to change it.

I also noticed several secondary portals are built on old web frameworks that are not in use much today and can be difficult to load when attempting to check them for a new status, so MapAggregate also aims to solve this problem.


This led me to develop the initial version of MapAggregate, which is available for download here

*Mac only at the moment, windows version will be built in a few days.



You should still use your secondary portals to double check your status and send communications, as this tool is made to aid you and not replace them.

Currently it only checks a few portals as I was focused on making the app stable, but I aim to add a few more in the coming days, while also compiling a windows version.

Extending MapAggregate

The code is open-source so anyone savvy with javascript is more than welcome to add support for new portals as well as extend the feature set.

Since I haven't applied to all possible medical schools I can't test with all secondary portals so others are welcome to add new portals and integrate them.

Any response is greatly appreciated, the more people interested the better this application checker can be.

Any issues with this app you have should be reported here goo.gl/bqD3tS

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Added support for checking Cornell. Should have a download available later today.
Here is a link to the updated version with support for checking Weill Cornell. I hope to have a windows version soon. -> goo.gl/gBaAnH