C- or Withdraw?

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Should I W or C-?

  • C-

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • W

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


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5+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
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So I got my final grade in Lab. It's a C-.

What should I do? The add/drop date is Friday. Should I just drop it and retake it later or should I just stick with it. I know a C- is gonna kill my GPA but what should I do? Should I drop it and take a W? Or should I just drop all together? Please let me know everyone. Thank you.

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I don't understand why so many SDNers take Ws. You earned the grade, nobody earned it for you.
It’s a lab. Does not affect your GPA much at all in the grand scheme of things. Just don’t slack off in subsequent labs.

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I think I'm just going to Withdraw... Sigh.
Waste of time and money for such an insignificant class. It’s not my money and time, though. To each their own, I suppose.

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So I got my final grade in Lab. It's a C-.

What should I do? The add/drop date is Friday. Should I just drop it and retake it later or should I just stick with it. I know a C- is gonna kill my GPA but what should I do? Should I drop it and take a W? Or should I just drop all together? Please let me know everyone. Thank you.
How can you get a final grade and then still withdraw? I thought there is a deadline somewhere in the middle of the semestsr for withdraw and then you get what you get.
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We were given some additional time because labs finished early. Either way, I decided to keep the C-. I went to my professor to talk about Bio Lecture and she said there's still hope. I've been studying a lot harder now and hoping to do well.

You guys are right. Withdrawing from a one credit C- lab course would be silly. It's one credit and I'll do better in my next lbs anyway. Thank you all for your advice!
If its a required prereq, then the C- may not be accepted by some medical schools.

Really? It's a Bio Lab... Maybe I'll retake it at the very end. It's still a "passing" grade for my major I believe and for the subsequent courses
A C- suffices for the upper division courses I need to take. So do you think I should retake it at the very end?
Some (perhaps most) medical schools require C or better. a few require C+ for prerqs

Guess I'll just retake it eventually then. At the very end. It's fine for now, bc I'll take the upper divisions but maybe at the very end.
S/he is not being snooty, because oftentimes the rigor at CC's are less. I'm not saying that's the case everywhere; but as a general rule of thumb, it is true that CC's are less rigorous than universities.

Sarcasm... You know, boringness=lab... Anyways.

Yes, your comment is 100% correct when it comes to sweeping generalizations... BUT, the "rigor" of a bio lab... Bruh... Come on! Looking at MIT OCW syllabus they did the same experiments as I did at a private school, and the same as my brother when he went to a small 2 year school. This isn't the 3 credit biochem lab some of us take, this is bacterial transformation, some basic genetics, and separation techniques. Way too many things need to be factored into this scenario. Some CCs have a mission similar to LACs and are know for that regionally... Some state school systems rely on a strong CC to feed their 4 year uni's... At the end of the day, a strong app won't be ruined by retaking a entry level bio lab at a CC. Especially when higher coursework was completed with high-marks at a 4 year institution.

source: Labs | Experimental Biology & Communication | Biology | MIT OpenCourseWare
Be honest. What happened?

Family issues. Grandfather passed away, etc. bad semester overall. Trying my best to do better. Consulted some counseling to help deal with grief. It's helping slightly, but it's better than nothing.
Sarcasm... You know, boringness=lab... Anyways.

Yes, your comment is 100% correct when it comes to sweeping generalizations... BUT, the "rigor" of a bio lab... Bruh... Come on! Looking at MIT OCW syllabus they did the same experiments as I did at a private school, and the same as my brother when he went to a small 2 year school. This isn't the 3 credit biochem lab some of us take, this is bacterial transformation, some basic genetics, and separation techniques. Way too many things need to be factored into this scenario. Some CCs have a mission similar to LACs and are know for that regionally... Some state school systems rely on a strong CC to feed their 4 year uni's... At the end of the day, a strong app won't be ruined by retaking a entry level bio lab at a CC. Especially when higher coursework was completed with high-marks at a 4 year institution.

source: Labs | Experimental Biology & Communication | Biology | MIT OpenCourseWare

This Bio Lb was a bunch of plant bullsh*t
This Bio Lb was a bunch of plant bullsh*t

Ok so second semester? Green fern vs. slightly less green fern?... haha bio and gen chem labs are painful! Physics lab in my opinion is the worst! Just because there is literally almost no error. At the end of it I was like just tell what's going to happen and I'll believe you... Also static friction and kinetic friction is the same at a CC as a 4 year uni 🙂
Ok so second semester? Green fern vs. slightly less green fern?... haha bio and gen chem labs are painful! Physics lab in my opinion is the worst! Just because there is literally almost no error. At the end of it I was like just tell what's going to happen and I'll believe you... Also static friction and kinetic friction is the same at a CC as a 4 year uni 🙂

Yeah we'll see. I'm just glad it's over at this point so I can focus on the upper division courses. If it comes to it, I'll probably retake it. Maybe at a CC, maybe at the college I attend, who knows. I just don't think it's going to completely murder my app, if everything else goes well lol