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5+ Year Member
Mar 29, 2017
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Call bag and residents have a love-hate relationship, mostly hate, but love it when the call bag has exactly what i need at 2am while covering another hospital

Trying to find a good all around backpack to haul all that Ophtho gear and I'm interested in knowing what some residency programs have used for their call bag/backpack. what have you found helpful or unhelpful? Any particular bag you are a fan of?

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I had just happened to see this resident's video on YouTube the other day, but I have no personal experience with this issue yet. :)

If you need to carry a binocular indirect ophthalmoscope around while seeing patients on call, just buy a bag that is specifically made for transporting an indirect ophthalmoscope that has lots of extra pockets for the rest of what you would need. You want the indirect fastened tightly in whatever bag you're transporting it.

For example,
