calling to ask about interview if you're in the area?

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10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 29, 2006
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hi - just wondering what you guys think would be the best way to do this. if i'm already going to be in the area for another interview, do you think it would be best to tell them that? or could it bite you in the ass ("this student already has an interview somewhere, we dont need to give her one"). also - do i just call and ask the admissions office? or email?

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did they offer you an interview and you're wanting to call to reschedule, or are you contacting them first asking if they'd like to interview you?
nope, i havent heard from this school yet
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It really depends on the school. Some actually encourage doing this, i.e. Cornell as they know that traveling can get rather expensive. Does the school's website mention anything about their policy regarding this? I don't think it would reflect poorly on you. I feel like if they hadn't planned to offer you an interview, they may just say that they can't accommodate you...
I made blind calls to Temple and Jefferson when I was invited for an interview at Drexel. Just called up the admissions offices and told them I would be in the area for another interview and that I was still very interested in their programs, and asked if it would be possible to schedule an interview. I also mentioned that I was traveling from Texas so combining Philadelphia-area interviews would be a huge convenience for me. It worked at Temple, but not at Jeff. I'd say give it a shot, and tell them the truth. And I prefer talking to someone on the phone versus email, for whatever reason. Good luck!
hi - just wondering what you guys think would be the best way to do this. if i'm already going to be in the area for another interview, do you think it would be best to tell them that? or could it bite you in the ass ("this student already has an interview somewhere, we dont need to give her one"). also - do i just call and ask the admissions office? or email?

In general this doesn't work. Schools decide by committee who they are going to interview and the fact that you are in the area won't sway them. Of course if you have already been designated to be interviewed, they might accomodate what batch you get to be in. I doubt it would bite you in the ass, though.
That being said, someone will pipe up with an anecdotal examples where it worked. But it doesn't for 99.999% of those SDNers who try it each year.
well, in case you all were wondering, i got an email back saying i was in my app was "reviewed favorably and is now in a smaller pool", and when they get to deciding the interview part, they'll take my travel schedule into consideration
well, in case you all were wondering, i got an email back saying i was in my app was "reviewed favorably and is now in a smaller pool", and when they get to deciding the interview part, they'll take my travel schedule into consideration
That sounds like a very reasonable response. And about as much as you can realistically hope for.