Can someone tell me about preventative medicine or Global track residencies?

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5+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2017
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I've been looking into it and I understand preventative medicine is a relatively new field. Does anyone know how competitive is it?

I'm an IMG, I've just graduated from med school and am in the process of studying for my USMLEs. I've been thinking long and hard about what I'd like to go into. What is the curriculum like? How competitive is it? What does it take to get in? Are there any interactions with patients? Is this a good lifestyle?

I understand many graduates of these programs go on either to pursue fellowships or work in government agencies.

To tell you the truth, I've always imagined working at the World Health Organisation!! That would be awesome!

If anyone could give me more insight into this field, please, I'd appreciate it.

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I too am an IMG (Ireland) and are wondering these exact questions. Could you let me know if you find out anything and vice versa