Can we bring first aid to the test?

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May 27, 2011
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And keep it in our locker to look stuff up on breaks?


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From what I understand the only thing you aren't allowed to do during breaks is tell other people the questions you had on the exam. (you aren't allowed to do that at any time) Basically if you are on an authorized break you are a private citizen again and can do whatever the heck you want. (authorized break means between sections, you can't get up in the middle of a section to go look up an answer or something)
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Don't bring FA. Seriously. You'll be tempted to look up those unsure questions and it will completely throw you off when you miss some (and you will miss some).

Plus you have so little break time that is seems silly to waste it trying to look up either things you know you need to know (and thus already probably have in your memory) or things that don't matter anymore. (stuff from the sections you have already completed)

Personally I plan on bringing my phone and listening to music and doing pushups or walking around outside the test center or something during my breaks. (also eating snacks obviously)
I plan on bringing FA in the unlikely case that I have a massive brainfart and forget a basic concept that might be tested again, like the pharyngeal arches for example. But i'll be bringing it with the full intention of never opening it.

I'll second the food suggestion. Other than the lunch i'll bring, I'll have a granola bar for each break between blocks to keep my sugar up.
I plan on bringing FA in the unlikely case that I have a massive brainfart and forget a basic concept that might be tested again, like the pharyngeal arches for example. But i'll be bringing it with the full intention of never opening it.

I'll second the food suggestion. Other than the lunch i'll bring, I'll have a granola bar for each break between blocks to keep my sugar up.

Oh yeah that is probably the way to go. More as a security blanket than anything. (if it helps calm you down then obviously go for it!)
here's an idea:

Create a list of items you still struggle on, put it on a flash card. Prior to entering the test center, cram that as hard as you can.

Then write it onto that white board.
So we just need the permit and and a driver's license, right?

I'm starting to freak out a little bit. It's in a week for me. I know I could do better if I had more time and that kills me a little bit inside (I have to take the exam earlier than some of my classmates because I made a scheduling decision in my first year that ate up my 3rd year elective time).
