Do you mind sharing what you did for the RC portion?
Congrats on your scores!
i didnt do any prior studying for the RC otehr than an old US 2007? one about the x-rays
i'd look at the first couple questions then i'd read the entire passage really fast while trying to answer those questions
id underline things that i thought were key words based off the title of the passage and things that seemed relevant to the topic of the paragraph
usually id finish answering those questions by reading about halfway, then if i finished the questions, id look at the next batch of 5ish questions
now at thsi point i'd have read half of passage (at least 4ish paragraphs if its long)
once i look at the question, i knew exactly where it should be if i had read it
by this, you dont have to remember which paragraph had what topic, just the position of the paragraph so you can skim the sentences realyl fast to find the topic again if its a long passage
for example if it was about the x ray analogy question with the spring motion or waves in pond water or something, i would've recognized that hte answer was in that second paragraph from memory, then i'd look at it more closely/still fast to find the correct answer
also, some questions are just easy, like it asks you a question and without even reading it you'd think "it's probably this answer" so i'd just circle it and move on and wihle answerng the next questions, i would usualyl recognize that the answer i circled was actually right when i read it later on (maybe 2, 3 questions you can just guess it right cuz its obvious)
i finished RC with 2 or 3 minutes to go and wasn't really pressured for time
i checked my time in between passages, after first passage i was on time, not faster or slower
second passage i was a bit quicker
and third i was really fast (but the passage was a lot shorter)
however the short passage had some application questions, like that x-ray where where it says 1/4 distance its 3x further or something like that
underlining blows btw, im not sure how useful it is because i could barely notice where i underlined with my pencil
prolly more helpful if you make your lines a lot darker or could use a highlighter/box your key words or something instead of just a line
gonna assume my scores are good cuz everyones saying nice thngs so im gonna delete my first message