Canadian students financing American OD education

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2+ Year Member
Jul 12, 2020
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I am a Canadian student who will be attending NECO in the fall, but am struggling with coming up with the financial resources to cover the hefty tuition. From what I calculated, 4 years at NECO will run me ~$320 000 CAD and the maximum bank loan that I can get through a Canadian bank has been $125 000 CAD. Now I personally do not just have that amount of money hanging out in my savings to cover the rest, so I am wondering how other Canadian OD students (or soon to be OD students) have found resources to fund their education?

An OD that I work with (Canadian) went to NECO and graduated 15ish years ago, and said she was able to get a full loan through the state of Massachusetts...but I haven't been able to find any info on an option like that.

My alternative is to defer for a year and work a ton to save more, but evidently there is a way for Canadians to finance American OD programs because there are quite a few Canadian students in the US from what I can I am hoping to be able to find ways to figure this out!

Any insight is greatly appreciated 🙂

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I also would like to know! I do not know where to start...