Canadians CANNOT specialize in the States???

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Yes, and it is a 5 year program

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U of T does suck with respect to facilities but they are upgrading and got in some (~200) new chairs. It isn't nice like Boston but it will do. The school is still great and teachers for the most part are good. U of T is Canada's #1 school not McGill. McGill is known more in the US jsut because it is practically a US school. They accept more Americans than Canadians from other provinces (outside Quebec)....traitors.
Is it just me or does Woodsy seems to have a lot of build up angers, frustrations, and hostilities :smuggrin: And he just started dental school :love: I can't wait to check back w. Woodsy 2yrs from now :D Man, I'm afraid that Woodsy would go Postal on his classmates any day now :D :D

Ok, I agree w. u Woodsy, U Toronto is the best.....for u :D
For everyone else the best dental school is the school that you're attending or graduated from. :D

PS: you gotta cut down on the caffein and Code Red, buddy. You're making me nervous :scared: :D
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lnn2 said:
Is it just me or does Woodsy seems to have a lot of build up angers, frustrations, and hostilities :smuggrin: And he just started dental school :love: I can't wait to check back w. Woodsy 2yrs from now :D Man, I'm afraid that Woodsy would go Postal on his classmates any day now :D :D

Ok, I agree w. u Woodsy, U Toronto is the best.....for u :D
For everyone else the best dental school is the school that you're attending or graduated from. :D

PS: you gotta cut down on the caffein and Code Red, buddy. You're making me nervous :scared: :D

I totally agree with you on this one...Woodsy seems to have self-inflated his ego to the point that it's getting incredibly annoying.

As for myself, sure...I'm from Toronto, and of course UofT was my first choice since it's cheaper and I'd be able to live at home with my family. I went to undergrad at Western, and I absolutely love the western dental was also a first choice. However, when I was waitlisted in my third and fouth years, my conclusion was...'screw em'.'...if my 85% average is not good enough for a Canadian school, I'm taking my potential somewhere else, and boy am I glad I did. :D

My point being is that in the end, we're all going to be dentists, meeting the standards for both US AND Canadian schools since both are fully recognized. I know many dentists who graduated from American schools and are working in Canada in very successful practices. As for being in debt more so than others, that is my sacrifice, and it will get paid while I'm in the profession I love. If my parents can immigrate from a poor country with absolutely nothing, and end up creating the wealth they have in their lives only by hard work...I know I can do it too.

That is my attitude going into this...and if someone has issues with it, that's just sad for them. So, Woodsy, life is too short to place so much time and effort into putting people down and their choices...and it's immature to carry around the attitude that you have it all figured out and no one else does, especially since that's far from the truth because we're all in the same boat.


UPitt, SDM, Class of 2007
UofT has a terrible reputation for being full of competitive social ******s (cf. Woodsy).

And McGill does attract of a lot of Americans, which reflects positively on the school since we are known internationally (I had friends from UAE, Israel, Holland, etc.). UofT only gets people from the GTA who go back at 5PM to mommy and daddy's house.

Although there are other great schools in Canada (all the Canadians in my class now have a very strong science background), we used to have a saying: Harvard is the McGill of the US :)
EHA DDS said:
UofT has a terrible reputation for being full of competitive social ******s (cf. Woodsy).

And McGill does attract of a lot of Americans, which reflects positively on the school since we are known internationally (I had friends from UAE, Israel, Holland, etc.). UofT only gets people from the GTA who go back at 5PM to mommy and daddy's house.

Although there are other great schools in Canada (all the Canadians in my class now have a very strong science background), we used to have a saying: Harvard is the McGill of the US :)

Although I havent been to harvard, i'd say that there are still room for improvement at mcgill. nevertheless, there are a couple people in my class who did their undergrad in harvard, and a prof here who did OMS/DMD in harvard. they all say harvard is over-rated.
Woodsy said:
I've been through half but from what my peers have told me in the upper years and from what I am experiencing right now, it's not that difficult. Doesn't get difficult for a while. The difference is, I am walking atm not running. I am not the one who is all pent up and worried about specializing am I? NO. I am just trying to get through dental school. I am dealing with it as it comes. Unlike that other girl. Get your facts straight.

#2, ok so I bashed the American schools. That was for bashing Canadians and how they would rather take an American. My point is that I've been able to get into the American school system but chose not to because I got into a Canadian one. Meaning that even if you let me in the best school in America I would not even want to go and would rather choose a Canadian one, but it does not mean that I am not qualified to be at an American school. You should really read my posts carefully before you jump to your conclusions and try to reword what it is that i say and then changing the whole my messages.

Dude, what are u talking about....UofT's tuition is quite guys pay something like $25K a year, right? Well I pay $27K down south, but I get like 3X the clinical experience as you do at Temple and I really didnt work that hard in undergrad, I just travelled the world and "got by" choose which one was the better deal?

Now McGill? Although they get like 1/8 the clinical exposure I do, they do pay some CHEAP ass tuition!
Hot-n-Aml said:
I totally agree with you on this one...Woodsy seems to have self-inflated his ego to the point that it's getting incredibly annoying.

As for myself, sure...I'm from Toronto, and of course UofT was my first choice since it's cheaper and I'd be able to live at home with my family. I went to undergrad at Western, and I absolutely love the western dental was also a first choice. However, when I was waitlisted in my third and fouth years, my conclusion was...'screw em'.'...if my 85% average is not good enough for a Canadian school, I'm taking my potential somewhere else, and boy am I glad I did. :D

My point being is that in the end, we're all going to be dentists, meeting the standards for both US AND Canadian schools since both are fully recognized. I know many dentists who graduated from American schools and are working in Canada in very successful practices. As for being in debt more so than others, that is my sacrifice, and it will get paid while I'm in the profession I love. If my parents can immigrate from a poor country with absolutely nothing, and end up creating the wealth they have in their lives only by hard work...I know I can do it too.

That is my attitude going into this...and if someone has issues with it, that's just sad for them. So, Woodsy, life is too short to place so much time and effort into putting people down and their choices...and it's immature to carry around the attitude that you have it all figured out and no one else does, especially since that's far from the truth because we're all in the same boat.


UPitt, SDM, Class of 2007

Right on!
Sounds like we were in the same boat. After graduating from UWO with an honors physiology and 86% - I thought the waitlist was ridiculous.

Don't worry about the loans - you can do it - I'm working in Canada and will have my loans paid off before most of my american classmates
Who cares if Canadian's are being trained here? As far as I'm concerned, Canada is the 51st state of the U.S. so it's all the same to me :laugh: No more Canuck on Canuck crime!

j/k-Much respect to the Canadians in my class
Originally posted by Flat4
Who cares if Canadian's are being trained here? As far as I'm concerned, Canada is the 51st state of the U.S. so it's all the same to me No more Canuck on Canuck crime!

Canada is about as far from the 51st state of the union as North Korea. Canada is possibly the worst neighboring country that the US could have. Besides having completely different polital views, Canada would be an undeveloped lakeland and forest if the US wasn't right next door. Canada has no industry and if US fisherman decided to not go to Canada for their annual trips anymore the whole country would piss its pants. Also, Canada is the quickest country to turn its back on the states when we need political backing. Canada just sits on the fence post of every issue while the US sticks it neck out there. Maybe not all of the decisions we make are right, but at least we don't hide in the corner and pretend not to exist when things get tough. 51st State... :thumbdown:
LSR1979 said:
Originally posted by Flat4
Who cares if Canadian's are being trained here? As far as I'm concerned, Canada is the 51st state of the U.S. so it's all the same to me No more Canuck on Canuck crime!

Canada is about as far from the 51st state of the union as North Korea. Canada is possibly the worst neighboring country that the US could have. Besides having completely different polital views, Canada would be an undeveloped lakeland and forest if the US wasn't right next door. Canada has no industry and if US fisherman decided to not go to Canada for their annual trips anymore the whole country would piss its pants. Also, Canada is the quickest country to turn its back on the states when we need political backing. Canada just sits on the fence post of every issue while the US sticks it neck out there. Maybe not all of the decisions we make are right, but at least we don't hide in the corner and pretend not to exist when things get tough. 51st State... :thumbdown:

It astounds me on how ignorant this post is...dont have to time to waste on its numerous inaccuracies. But as far as sitting on the fence and not sticking our neck out.....Thats cool with me....Im glad Canada isnt the instigator that the US is....That explains why we dont get attacked by terrorists and why we dont spend all our tax dollars on funding wars all the time
LSR1979 said:
Originally posted by Flat4
Who cares if Canadian's are being trained here? As far as I'm concerned, Canada is the 51st state of the U.S. so it's all the same to me No more Canuck on Canuck crime!

Canada is about as far from the 51st state of the union as North Korea. Canada is possibly the worst neighboring country that the US could have. Besides having completely different polital views, Canada would be an undeveloped lakeland and forest if the US wasn't right next door. Canada has no industry and if US fisherman decided to not go to Canada for their annual trips anymore the whole country would piss its pants. Also, Canada is the quickest country to turn its back on the states when we need political backing. Canada just sits on the fence post of every issue while the US sticks it neck out there. Maybe not all of the decisions we make are right, but at least we don't hide in the corner and pretend not to exist when things get tough. 51st State... :thumbdown:

Overanalyze lately? Lighten up.
sorry guys for the canuck on cancuk crime, i guess I was being a bit too harsh...but this LSR1979 guy is real dumb...he is so Pro-Bush it's not funny anymore.
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What's wrong with being pro-Bush?
Hey SpiritedAway,

I graduated from a Canadian School. Each year there were graduates from my school who were accepted into American Schools for specialty programs, namely Ortho and Oral Surgery. I don't believe they were at a disadvantage for being a Canadian student at all, they worked hard and gained acceptance into some very reputable programs in the US. Hope that helps and best of luck!

I couldn't help but chuckle at the student from UofT who said Dalhousie was a 'BS' school. I was neither a student of UofT or Dal, so from an unbiased point of view can say that Dalhousie is perhaps one of the best clinical programs in the country. If they accepted more students from non Atlantic provinces, I would have applied there in a heart beat.
LSR1979 said:
Its a sad day when our professional schools will accept a foreign student (in order to meet a quota or to "diversify") in place of a US citizen. This is especially true of state funded institutions where that citizen and/or their parents have been paying taxes their whole life to fund its operations. Just shows you what a buch of garbage the liberal mindset is. At my school, the minority students are literally handed scholarships while the non-minority students can't even get applications.

Actually, most state funded schools will NOT accept foreign students, Canadian or otherwise, for specialty spots. Almost all the spots you will find are in private institutions. When state funded institutions do accept them, they pay international tuition fees, which are quite high to compensate for the fact that they haven't paid taxes.
DrRob said:
Right on!
Sounds like we were in the same boat. After graduating from UWO with an honors physiology and 86% - I thought the waitlist was ridiculous.

Don't worry about the loans - you can do it - I'm working in Canada and will have my loans paid off before most of my american classmates

That's ok, my husband has you beat. He graduated with a 87% (B.Sc. with honours micro and immuno), then did a Master's in micro and immuno (both at UWO), and still wasn't waitlisted or even interview at UWO! However, he did get into Case Western (the only one he applied to), got a kick ass scholarship, and graduated #2 in his class (#1 was another canadian from U of T, a good friend of ours now). Actually, Canadians in that class made up 7 of the top 10.

My husband is now in the middle of an OMFS residency, and yes, we have always planned to go back home. We have always said we would, and want to.

Believe it or not, training foreign dentists who go back home is a wonderful thing, because it enables the sharing of techniques, ideas and new concepts. This is why universities are always full of foreign faculty.
LSR1979 said:
Originally posted by Flat4
Who cares if Canadian's are being trained here? As far as I'm concerned, Canada is the 51st state of the U.S. so it's all the same to me No more Canuck on Canuck crime!

Canada is about as far from the 51st state of the union as North Korea. Canada is possibly the worst neighboring country that the US could have. Besides having completely different polital views, Canada would be an undeveloped lakeland and forest if the US wasn't right next door. Canada has no industry and if US fisherman decided to not go to Canada for their annual trips anymore the whole country would piss its pants. Also, Canada is the quickest country to turn its back on the states when we need political backing. Canada just sits on the fence post of every issue while the US sticks it neck out there. Maybe not all of the decisions we make are right, but at least we don't hide in the corner and pretend not to exist when things get tough. 51st State... :thumbdown:

Seriously, I had to post back. LSR, get yourself some updated reading information, open your mind, and learn about your neighbour to the north. Try hard to ignore all the crap that has come out of Bush's mouth. Find out about who was the first country to physically come to the aid of NY when the towers fell (Firefighters and medical workers from Canada). Who is in Afghanistan with you? We supported you on the issues we believed in. Had the UN agreed to go into Iraq, we would have been there too (thankfully, we are not). Canada is, and has almost always been (1812 aside) your ally. Oh, and btw, speaking of industry, since you are obviously of the medical kind, take a moment to find out where insulin was discovered, where the artificial heart was created, oh and for kicks, where phones and lightbulbs come from
3 of 5 residents in my ortho program (starts this summer) are not american. and its a state school.
texas_dds said:
3 of 5 residents in my ortho program (starts this summer) are not american. and its a state school.

Are you friendly enough with them to ask them if they are paying more in tuition? I know that at Case, the ortho program does take foreign students, but it is a private institution and they all pay the same tuition.
damn wannabe americans!

post at

oops! don't exist.

no more of canadian schools being better than american ones. definitely more competitvely, but hell no on being better.

american schools have more dolllars (american), more spots, more everything

canadian fools just fighting over these measley over-rated spots
i am a green card holder, so i fill out the fafsa like any citizen. im going out of state so i will pay a bit more than that state's residents would

the other 2 will pay international i bet (a lot more)
First this is very unproffessional of you say, there are Americans studying dentistry here in Canada at very low cost (because our government pays for it/support it from our taxes and we don't say a word) :mad: . Get a life, or understand the things that you are suppose to. Just because we don't want to cause trouble it does not mean that we are wossies, we actualy don't want to envade countries, we have enough here.
Our health system is great, it is because it is paid for and supported by the government, nothing said about our HEALTH EDUCATING system. Because that is a whole different aspect, all of our dental schools here in Canada probably enroll as many as NYU alone would enroll! So, yes, we are in shortage of educational facilities.

So please don't go on tangents and take your anger where you are not suppose to, I am not being angry here, I am just trying to justify the wrongfull claims made about Canadians and Canada. Look at the big picture here and see who is benefiting, it's a mutul relationship.

After all we are only better than the Americans in Hockey :D

dort-ort said:
Well put and I echo your sentiments. I have seen many canadian students enter a program in the US and decide they want to stay solely because of economic benefits. Of course they always say (to admissions committe or chair of program) they will be going back to their country of origin once they are done. However, somehow they wiggle their way into a green card (by way of marriage or another) and end up staying here. One may say that this helps the PERCIEVED shortage of dentist. But in my view this takes away spots in programs for legitimate U.S. candidates. In the wider scope of things, I think Canadians are a bunch of woosies. Being that they are neighbors to the north and are in the same hemisphere as us, why do they never support the world views of the United States. What a bunch of crock they are. I feel justified that the patriot act makes it harder for them to enter into U.S. schools because of their lack of backbone to support anything that the US government does. So I agree with what LSR1979 says to these canadians - Stay North, period.