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Sep 7, 2020
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Richard has just discovered that his chemistry teacher has been getting her test questions from an online database (that also contains answers and full solutions). Jessica, Richard's friend, is really struggling in the class.
  1. Should Richard tell Jessica about the database?
  2. Should Richard inform the teacher that he knows about the existence of this database?
  3. If this is a free and open-source database, is using it considered cheating?
(This scenario is from, the free peer-to-peer CASPer preparation platform that allows you to practice hundreds of scenarios for free. PrepMatch is a non-profit partnered up with the Student Doctor Network that aims to make the admission process more equitable)

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Tests are used to measure once understanding of the material in discusion. This situation has little to do with the answears being available online. The true question is, is richard able to pass the chemistry test unabaded (same goes for jessica)? So to answear the questions;
1) telling jessica about the database would lead to two outcomes; A, she utilizes the asnwears to "cheat" on the test B, she prepares herself by studying hadrder and does not refere to the online material. Option B does more service to jessica than A.
2) this is more a question of fairness, letting the educator know about the faulability of the chem test would help a better assesment of the students.
3) Yes, this would be classfied as cheating as it defeates the purpose of having a test (which is to tests once competence). It does no one a favour if a person skips through training to becoming a pilot.

(sorry for the sp, wrte this in a rush)