Categorizing leadership position that include volunteering (volunteer or EC?)

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Jan 5, 2020
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I'm the president of a club where I organize fundraisers and stuff, but I also volunteer at these fundraisers. I was also the lead for a service event. I both organized the event (book spaces, recruit volunteers, buy supplies, schedule the event, reach out to third party partners) and volunteered at the event. In short, I basically handle all the organization stuff, but then also volunteer alongside other students at the events I organize. Time commitment wise I'd say it's 60/40.

I'm a little confused on how to categorize experiences like this since they're both an extracurricular and a volunteering opportunity. Anyone have any advice/suggestions? Thanks!

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I hadn't thought of that, but that sounds like the best option. If I did 70 hours total, with 40 leadership + 30 volunteering, should I list the activity as 30 hours, then type that I have an additional 70 hours doing leadership stuff in the description?
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I would consider itemizing the time you spent actually serving people versus organization and logistics. List the hours estimated breakdown in your description.
I also had this question! Do you recommend putting the volunteering and logistics categories in different entries or lump them together in the same entry for the same club?