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Jun 13, 2019
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I need some advise, I mistakenly applied to take the CBSE for July in the OMS portal, even though I am looking to apply to DA. Is the CBSE for both the same? I am now past the time to reapply through the DA portal. What should I do in this situation. Can I send my CBSE results to the DA programs even if I applied through the OMS portal.

Thank you!

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I would highly suggest contacting the source - contact ASDA and ask what they suggest you do. Contact the OMS portal through which you applied and see if you can alter the track your score will take and re-route it to anesthesia, if possible. They will be way more helpful than random people on the internet, and are the only ones who can definitively give you these answers.
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I need some advise, I mistakenly applied to take the CBSE for July in the OMS portal, even though I am looking to apply to DA. Is the CBSE for both the same? I am now past the time to reapply through the DA portal. What should I do in this situation. Can I send my CBSE results to the DA programs even if I applied through the OMS portal.

Thank you!
Did you get this resolved? I made the same mistake and am wondering what to do next, since it's past the ASDA deadline.
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Contact ASDA. CBSE results are sent automatically from ASDA to the DA programs, but they won’t be by AAOMS, so the programs won’t get your CBSE results. When I applied there wasn’t anywhere to upload results on the PASS application.
I believe its one and the same as I too am applying for anesthesia but registered through OMS portal