CBSE - Knowledge Retention Issue - Advice?

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New Member
Dec 11, 2024
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I started studying for the CBSE in September 24' and have averaged 2-3 hours a day since then. Finished Bootcamp, Sketchy Pharm/Micro in mid January. My last section was Cardio and I decided to move on to UW and only did Cardio questions. I finished the entire section with a 55% correct (I feel happy with this score even though it wasn't random questions as it was my first exposure to UW). I did 2 hours of cardio Anki and then 2 hours of cardio UW.

Then I moved on pulmonary (completed bootcamp section in early December) and I felt like I remembered most of the physiology but when it comes to path I simply just remember seeing the names of the diseases for the most part and nothing else relevant. So I decided to do 30 min Anki and 30 min FA reading in the pulmonary section and then 1 hr UW and reading until I understand the concept and incorrects, then repeat until 4 hours. But even then, the pulmonary system just feels like I am learning for the first time again. Currently at 20% on UW for pulmonary (I know this will improve eventually) and now I am wondering if anyone has suggestions as to how I should move forward while trying to retain knowledge from all of the systems and sketchy micro/pharm with a 4 hr/day study schedule? I have thought about doing randomized UW but I do not think that would be beneficial to me until I have a better foundational knowledge of each system to be able to bounce back and forth. (I am aware that repetition is the answer but how does one balance relearning information from all of the different body systems while retaining the previously reviewed info?)

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If you finished all of bootcamp and sketchy micro/pharm the foundation/exposure should be there and it sounds like you applied it well for cardio. You could try to review anki associated with the bootcamp sections that you are struggling with for retention - especially the pathology for each organ system because this is the backbone of the exam and like you said that seems to be a weak point. At the very least add on micro and pharm UW questions along with pulm because you need to start practicing those questions since you said you finished the videos in Jan, no point in waiting.

I wouldn't worry too much, you did well in cardio section but it sounds like that was all you were studying for a significant period of time, so it makes sense you are having to get back up to speed with pulm. Just keep putting in the time, you got this.
How did you get through bootcamp? I know they have a 9 week study schedule but that is obviously not enough time for dental students. Did you just start from the top off the list of chapters and work your way through? I kinda wish there was a CBSE bootcamp study schedule. What sections did you complete in bootcamp, did you do all the section?