
  1. H

    Cbse Study Plan - 7 months

    Hello all, I am planning on taking the cbse in February (July as well if need be) What has been the plan of attack for a competitive score. I know first aid, pathoma, and uworld are a must, but how do you go about learning and understanding the material. Currently am watching boot camp videos...
  2. M

    Unpopular opinion: OMFS Internships are a waste of time

    Unpopular opinion, but needs to be said because everyone is thinking it All these programs begging for non-cats, yet won’t even **** on your application if you have a slightly below average CBSE Nobody wants to do a non-cat anymore, if they can avoid it - for good reason. You could be an all...
  3. IndifferentOsteoblast

    How to Interpret CBSE Equated Percent Correct Score? (OMFS Applicant)

    Historically, there's been an "ideal" CBSE score for OMFS applicants to shoot for, whether that was 70/200+ or 80/225+. My question is that, now that the scoring has gone to an equated percent correct, what is the new "ideal" score for a competitive applicant? Is there a conversion chart to...
  4. O

    CBSE July 2022 Scores

    In the best interest of all of us who took the CBSE in July of 2022 and were left in the dark about the competitiveness of our scores. Please be truthful in your responses, this is a team effort!
  5. O

    New CBSE score reports 2022

    Hi everyone! With the new CBSE score reports for the July 2022 exam, anyone have any idea how residencies will take this new score calculation? If anybody can offer some insight on the conversion/comparison to old scoring systems it would be much appreciated!
  6. SuxDrugs&Rocuronium

    New CBSE Scores

    Just took the CBSE for the second time today. Last time I got a three digit score but it looks like now it’s will be a % correct score. Anyone have any ideas on how these will equate or what score will be considered good with the new scoring system?

    CBSE time crunch

    Hi guys, I have a bit of a time crunch for CBSE. Haven't been as productive as I would have liked for the last few months TBH. Im down to 22 days, and want to review only the most high yield stuff/resources. Would it be best to go thru World or to keep watching and memorizing boards and beyonds...
  8. FF425

    CBSE Score Interpretation - What next?

    Background: DDS student Class of 2024 Began studying in late July 2021 and took Feb 2022 CBSE exam Aimed to score such that I wouldn't need to retake in July 2022 and instead could then use invest that time in other areas of application Attempting to come up with an arbitrary score cut-off...
  9. ColonelOsteotome

    Should I retake the CBSE?

  10. H

    CBSE and Externships for Dental Anesthesiology

    Which programs require CBSE? I only know OSU requires it. It’s seems like the majority of the programs don’t require it. Should I take the test? Or is it better to have a score even though the schools don’t require it? I want to avoid spending so much time, money, and efforts to take the test...
  11. N

    Practicing GP looking into CBSE

    I’ve been a practicing DDS for 4 yrs now. Wanted to do OMS from the beginning of time. Had some serious hardships and didn’t have time for extracurricular activities during school. Then I had to go back home directly after graduating. Now that life has normalized, I’m looking into OMS...
  12. J

    Anyone Recently Take CBSE?

    Hi. Hope everyone is doing well. Has anyone recently taken the Comprehensive Basic Sciences NBME (CBSE)? I was curious if there were any low-yield/wtf questions on the exam. The new NBMEs have a lot of low-yield questions and I was wondering if this is to be expected on the CBSE? I am required...
  13. D

    CBSE Study Materials

    I have read many posts and have a general idea on what materials to use. UFAPS including boards and beyond seems to be the general consensus. My questions is about the Q banks used, does anyone have experience with AMBOSS? I am debating if it is worth doing Uworld once and AMBOSS once, or just...
  14. C


    is the NBME CBSE exam that OMFS applicants take the same one the US MD Students take before the USMLE Step 1? If so, doesn't that skew the Scores?
  15. F

    OMFS Internship Opportunities - POST HERE ONLY

    I know this time of year, everyone is trying to figure out exactly how they want to fill out their rank list, but I just want to take the time to post a little about my experiences at my OMFS internship so that those of you not fortunate enough to MATCH will be aware of the opportunities...
  16. D

    CBSE vs UWorld (posted in the wrong subgroup I think..?)

    Posted this in the "Dental Residents" subthread, but am not sure if that was the right place to do so. Wanted to get some friendly convo going so figured I'd post it on this subthread as well! Hey everyone! So were about 3 months out from the CBSE, and I just had a few questions with regards...
  17. D

    CBSE vs UWorld

    Hey everyone! So were about 3 months out from the CBSE, and I just had a few questions with regards to UWorld vs CBSE. Just curious, but for those that broke 70 on CBSE, what percentages were you getting on random UWorld blocks? I'm just curious if those correlate at all as a way to judge how...
  18. TrevorwestDDS

    Aug 17th, 2019 CBSE

    Just wanted to start a thread and get peoples thoughts on how the exam went. I'll share my experience to get things started. I'm a D3 at OSU. This was my first attempt at the exam. Don't have my score yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be retaking it in February haha. If I get anything...
  19. A

    Better route for Oral Surgery application: Retake CBSE or Internship after dental school?

    To all my fellow Oral & Maxillofacial maniacs (students, residents, practicing doctors) Main question: If you do poorly on your CBSE and don’t get in first time appplying, would you be more competitive if you do an internship after dental school or if you retake the CBSE and aim for a 70+...
  20. chomuballer

    Influenza vaccine (injection)

    So was just curious in uworld they have the injection vaccine for influenza as a subunit but everywhere else the vaccine is killed. Am I missing something here?
  21. Cito

    Studying during the last few weeks before CBSE

    So I have an externship next week for 1 week so I'm a bit limited there with studying time during the day; however, the next test date is August 17th. I have a total of 1830 questions left on Uworld but since I'm focusing on higher yield sections like pathophys, micro, path, immuno, anatomy...
  22. V

    Uworld frustrations

    I’m near the completion (about 300 left) of uworld on 1st. I’m a dental student taking cbse in August for omfs. Very frustrated my scores a still kinda of scattered some day I’m getting 70s other times 50s and just now finished a block with 47%. I’m doing them random and test mode. Anybody...
  23. chomuballer

    OMFS chances.

    Hi all, New member here. Currently entering D3 year. I took my CBSE in Feb, scored a 65, my class rank is among the top 5% in the class. What are my chances (considering a 3.1 undergrad GPA) for 4 or 6 year programs? Another question I have is, how do they calculate your undergrad GPA, is it...
  24. D

    4 vs 6 year Resume Differences?

    Hey everyone! Quick question. So I met up today with the faculty in our oral surgery department, and they informed me that: 6-Year programs: CBSE and grades and externships are all that really matter -Research and volunteering is basically irrelevant. It is better to do well on the CBSE and...
  25. H

    Best Externships for OMFS dreamers 2019!

    Hey fellow OMFS dreamers, the 2019 application cycle is almost upon us. Could people list best externships to check out before application cycle opens up !
  26. Itsnotludwigs

    CBSE advice for OMFS residency

    I am currently trying to formulate some sort of study plan/schedule for tackling the CBSE, but it seems quite thoroughly overwhelming. There are so many study resources and so little time with which we, as dental students, actually have to study this material. I see my med school friends...
  27. V

    Will I have a shot at any 6yr OMFS program?

    Hi all, I am studying for the CBSE right now, plan to take it in February but really distraught because I have seen a few posts regarding the importance of an undergraduate GPA for acceptance into a 6 year program. My undergrad performance was, by no means, stellar (~3.3 if you don't...
  28. P

    What to study in preparation for OMFS residency

    While studying for the CBSE I primarily used Zanki (an awesome Anki flashcard deck) to study for the exam. I want to keep studying from this deck so that I don't forget this information. Does anyone have any suggestions about which topics I should focus on? I am guessing hematology &...
  29. babs90


    Most of these questions are geared towards students who have taken the exam multiple times and were successfully accepted into a OMFS program. Do the programs require you to submit all of your attempt results with your application or upon request? Do multiple attempts have any repercussions...
  30. aliqudsi

    CBSE Practic exam too easy?

    Hi guys, Just wondering how close is the actual CBSE to the practic exam posted online? it seems that this test is way too easy? (this is what I'm referring to) Thanks
  31. chompsss

    Memorang Group Discount on USMLE Step 1 Flashcards

    Hi all, For anybody interested in signing up for Memorang's USMLE Step 1 Flashcards (normally $100 for a year-long subscription), I have a 30% off code that you can use. Despite the fact that it says UCONN, you can still use it - I've verified that this is OK. The link to the flashcards are...
  32. X

    243 on CBSE 8 weeks out, 234 on NBME 17 3 weeks out?

    This is really making me angry. Before I started dedicated step time I got a 243 on the CBSE. I thought I would surely hit 250s. Been doing UWORLD, First Aid, pathoma and sketchy meticulously and took NBME 17 and got a 234???? The odd thing is I scored an 89% on NBME 17 and an 85% on the CBSE...
  33. J

    OMFS Programs and CBSE

    Hello all, I remember back in the day SDN was useful for identifying dental schools that put more weight on the DAT than on GPA, and I was wondering if there was similar info available for OMFS programs and the CBSE. In particular, my class rank is relatively low (39/130) while my CBSE score is...
  34. TitusstheDentist

    CBSE for OMFS format

    Hi guys, I was hoping someone who has written the NBME CBSE could describe the experience for me. I believe it is 200 questions over 4 hours, but beyond that I am not sure what to expect. Are the questions organized by sections, or is the order completely random? And can you toggle back and...
  35. F

    T minus 2 days

    NBME CBSE coming soon in 2 days.... Any last minute tips? Any fellow comrades?
  36. Dental Philosopher

    Please explain the NBME CBSE

    Greetings, I was wondering if someone would please explain to me the NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) CBSE (Comprehensive Basic Science Examination) that is required for applying to OMFS. Looking on SDN, I realized that some call it NBME while others call it CBSE. Some have posted a...
  37. B

    Fail CBSE Intentionally?

    For those of you attending schools that administer CBSE exams, what do you think about failing intentionally so you get to retake it (and see a whole new set of questions). From what I understand, CBSE exams are exactly like NBMEs except only schools can buy them. So if you were to do the above...
  38. C

    International student

    Hi there. So for the past 12 or so years of my life, I've been studying with a CBSE affiliated Indian school. This is my last year. Now, my 10th grade board examination GPA was pretty damn good, a 9.2 out of 10. But I really slacked off during 11th grade due to some family issues. 12th is going...