The “best” in California are Stanford, UCSF and UCLA because of volume, complexity, research and a history of employing well known pathologists. These would all line you up for any kind of career. The second tier are USC, UC Davis and UCSD.
The rest in California are community programs, small isolated academic programs or county hospitals. Cedars is probably one of the better places within this group in terms of location, reputation and facilities.
I interviewed at most of these places in 2010 but ended up on the other coast for residency and fellowship. I’m sure many things have changed. There have been rumors of Cedars in the past that residents are essentially glorified medical students with little involvement in case ownership, previewing, etc and much of this goes over your head with the attendings while you are sent to gross placentas. Not sure if this is the case now. Ultimately, my impression was that you will be in the perpetual shadow of a much larger and stronger program (UCLA) literally down the street. However, if you like the program, work hard and apply yourself, you should have no issues getting a good fellowship and job.