Certiphi and dismissed charges

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Dec 22, 2021
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Just got my certiphi background check back and two misdemeanor charges from years ago showed up on the report. Both of these charges were dismissed after completion of community service, and the report indicates that the charges were dismissed. It explicitly stated not to include dismissed charges/arrests on AMCAS and I wasn't asked any legal questions on the secondary, so I followed the instructions and didn't disclose these charges at any point. Is it possible that my acceptance could be rescinded or am I good? Worried that multiple incidents may raise an eyebrow.

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Consult an attorney

Rules vary from state to state. For example, my dismissed charges didn’t show up on a BRC because of state laws.
Would recommend communicating with a lawyer to get those charges sealed/expunged. As you say, dismissed charges are not required to be reported on AMCAS. As long as these charges were not associated with institutional action with your university, I doubt they will be much of an issue regarding your acceptance being rescinded. You did not explicitly lie anywhere. With that said, communicating with the admissions committee explaining the charges is something you probably should do, but others may have better recommendations in this area.
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What you got is what the schools will get.

1) If the report clearly states the charges were dismissed, you're fine.
2) If you disclosed this and said that the charges were dismissed when prompted, you're also fine. If you did not disclose this because the instructions told you that you were not required to disclose any dismissed charges, you should be fine.

Again, discuss with the admissions staff and make sure they see those charges were dismissed. If they don't accept that, then you may want to discuss with other legal experts.
Keep in mind that if your school rotates at a VA hospital, it will come up anyway. Though I’m not sure if the VA would prevent you from doing rotations. Probably depends upon whether the crime was related to drugs or assault of some type
Keep in mind that if your school rotates at a VA hospital, it will come up anyway. Though I’m not sure if the VA would prevent you from doing rotations. Probably depends upon whether the crime was related to drugs or assault of some type
Neither incident was all that serious. One was an MIP/public intoxication and the other was a trespassing charge. I received deferred adjudication in both instances and the charges were eventually dismissed which, according to this statement on the AMCAS application, I don't think I was required to disclose:

Have you ever been convicted of, or pleaded guilty or no contest to, a Misdemeanor crime, excluding 1) any offense for which you were adjudicated as a juvenile, 2) any convictions which have been expunged or sealed by a court, or 3) any misdemeanor convictions for which any probation has been completed and the case dismissed by the court (in states where applicable)?