certiphi background check error

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7+ Year Member
Dec 6, 2015
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So I got my background check back today and am good to go which is great, but it claims that I have "gone by another alias" which it lists as my fathers name spelled incorrectly (it's not even close to my name, so i'm not quite sure how they got this) and included a background check for that name too.

Both names are clean, is this something I need to go scorched earth with certiphi to fix or is nobody going to care? I filed a dispute, mostly just curious if this is something I need to devote time and energy to outside of that or just not worry about it. I'm not quite sure how to prove I *don't* have another alias.

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afaik if you release it to the schools and any individual school has an issue with it, they will reach out to you about it. In that case just let them know that its your dad's name spelled wrong and you don't know why its linked to your account. Should be fine.
Closing the loop on this in case anyone searches with a similar issue in the future.

I opened a dispute with certiphi and got on the phone with them, they get all "aliases" from your credit report. After filing the dispute, Certiphi got in touch with the credit union that did my credit check and got the alias removed from my report and background check as it was obviously a dumb error from who knows where. All is good.