CEUs on Audiology Online

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10+ Year Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Hey guys, so I'm going to apply to my Canadian audiology schools this year and I've been taking some of the CEUs (continuing education units) courses on the Audiology online website. I think they're great and they're free to view. I watched one yesterday given by a professor from Harvard about NIHL. He went through a variety of case studies and even though I didn't know all of the terminology, I was able to grasp the concept very easily (and I almost know how to read an audiogram).
Anyways, when applying here in Canada, we have to write a page or a bit about why we want to pursue a career in audiology. Do you think it's a good idea to mention that I've been taking these courses (even though I'm not getting the credit)?

Thanks, Jaymar

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Do you think it's a good idea to mention that I've been taking these courses (even though I'm not getting the credit)?

I would mention that you've watched the videos. Showing that you're going that extra mile to take on as much information as possible is a good idea because it shows you have the qualities they're looking for.

However, I would be very careful about the wording. Since you've not paid for any of the courses, chances are you're not getting the full benefit. Saying you've "taken the courses" could mislead the admissions board. That's unethical and it could backfire.
Hi Jaymar,
I agree it can't hurt to mention that you've done them, maybe mentioning some topics, like the NIHL one you found particularly interesting. I've watched many of them too, but once I started grad school, I got too busy with my real courses and clinical placements and I don't do them much anymore. Enjoy them while you can!

rEliseMe - A lot of these courses are free to everyone, including those who are taking them for CEU credit, especially the ones offered by hearing aid or cochlear implant manufacturers. They typically involve watching and listening to an hour-long, narrated PowerPoint slide show. Then there is an easy 5 question quiz at the end. (But you can't get CEU -- continuing education -- credits until you have a degree, so taking the quiz doesn't count for anything if you're still a student.)