Chance Me for MD/PhD Programs

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7+ Year Member
Dec 7, 2015
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Hello All,

I am contemplating whether or not I should apply to MD/PhD programs this June. If I didn't apply this cycle, I would most likely continue researching for my current PI and/or apply for the Post-Bac program at the NIH. I would then apply next year. My info is below, please let me know what your expectations are for the programs mentioned below.

My stats:
sGPA: 3.75
cGPA: 3.82
MCAT: Score 36 consistently on practice exams

*3 month summer experience in a Drosophila behavioral genetics lab
*2.5 years in a Drosophila immunology lab - leading my own project using molecular biology procedures to characterize neuro-immune interactions- first authorship publication.
*Given responsibility to train a new medical student who recently joined the lab to work on my project .
*Received an undergraduate research fellowship

Other Experiences:
*Was a TA for Organic Chemistry 1 and General Chemistry 2 for a year
*Tutored struggling elementary school students in math and reading for 2 years
*Shadowed heart surgeons at a children's hospital for 4 weeks
*Shadowed all specialties during a 2 week all inclusive program at an academic hospital
*Won an award for being one of the top 3 chemistry students in General Chemistry 1 and 2
*Part of a pre-health organization on campus

Plan on getting more clinical exposure next semester. I just have been very busy with my research project and TAing.

2-3 exceptional letters from my PI's and the Professor I TA for
1-2 good letters

Schools Applying to:

UC denver
University of Maryland
University of Washington
Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering
+ other schools throughout Texas

Thank you so much,


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Sorry I must have confused the two. I changed it in the thread🙂 I am considering a post bac so that I can save up some money, gain experience pertaining more closely to research using human cells as a model, and to boost my overall research experiences. Although I realize that I am within the averages for gpa and mcat of accepted students, I heard from some people that most students take a year off for research before applying. I wanted to know if this is necessary for me to be competitive at top programs like UCSF etc. Also, I apologize if my formatting is weird, I am new to studentdoctor net.😀
As long as your MCAT comes out fine, you should be in pretty decent shape. I assume you're a TX resident? If so, you're probably good to go. If not, you might want to add more schools to your list (and drop the TX schools altogether). Remember that MD/PhD admissions are harder than MD alone, so your school list should take this into account.