Chance of matching urology with a failed step 1

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2+ Year Member
Oct 25, 2021
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Both my mom AND my dad told me that their doctors think they have cancer the week I took the exam (they didnt know that I was about to take the test because I moved it so many times, otherwise they would have waited to tell me). For some reason I decided to take it anyways because I was ready in terms of content and practice scores. My mind was just blanking that whole week, and the day of the test I felt like I was in a trance. I should have moved it.

Urology is the only field I have a genuine interest in. I am distraught because I know it really ruins my chances, but I want to know if there even is a chance at all. If I kill step 2, get some more good research in, and do well on my clinicals, will it make a difference? I have good extracurriculars if that helps also. I go to a mid tier school with a home program, and can get really good LORs too.

Any advice would be really appreciated. I know it would be wise to ask the program people at my school, but im too down to tell them yet. Thanks guys.

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Sorry to hear this OP. Unfortunately, I'll be blunt--unless your home program loves you and will assure you that they'll keep you, you need to find another field that you think you could be happy in. Every year there are people who kill step 2 and do good research yet still fail to match urology without a S1 fail on their record.
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I’m sorry hear this op, unfortunately chances are probably approaching 0. I think that even gen surg might be an uphill battle though possible after a prelim
I’m sorry hear this op, unfortunately chances are probably approaching 0. I think that even gen surg might be an uphill battle though possible after a prelim
I don’t know of a Gen Surg program that takes people with board failures.

Unfortunately your chances are basically zero unless your home program takes you OP.