chances for getting in ENT residency

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7+ Year Member
Aug 7, 2015
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I am a rising M3 and would appreciate everyone advice on my chances of getting into ENT. Here are my stats so far:
School: average US med school
Step 1: 241
rank: probably bottom half
AOA: no
reasearch: no
Clinical rotations: doing my first rotation
What are my chances of getting into ENT? Will I get weeded out pre-interview in some programs?
Thank you!

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I am a rising M3 and would appreciate everyone advice on my chances of getting into ENT. Here are my stats so far:
School: average US med school
Step 1: 241
rank: probably bottom half
AOA: no
reasearch: no
Clinical rotations: doing my first rotation
What are my chances of getting into ENT? Will I get weeded out pre-interview in some programs?
Thank you!

Not by your step score. By being bottom half with 0 research, probably. Not having any research makes applying pretty rough, from what I've seen.
It's hard to tell based solely on what you've given us, but assuming you're an otherwise normal applicant, chances are you would have a very rough go of things. The question you should be asking is this: given these below-average numbers, what can do at this point to have a shot at matching in this field? You can go to otomatch and look at the spreadsheet with last year's stats on it; you'll see people with incredible numbers pulling a relatively small number of interviews. If you really want to do ENT, you need to get involved asap with your department, start doing research, and honor every rotation if possible (esp. IM and surg). You might even be someone who would benefit from a productive research year before 4th year both to build connections and build your CV. You have a steep climb ahead.
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Based on what you've provided us, you are a below average candidate for Otolaryngology. This means that the probability of your matching falls somewhere on the lower spectrum of the statistical curve. Your battle will be uphill and you should be prepared with a back up specialty.

Take a look at the sticky post.
thank you for all the feedback and comments. If I honors most of my 3rd year clerkships, get in research project(s) with my ENT department, do I still have a chance or is it too late at this point?
I think your question was already answered above. Do those things? Yes. Possible to match? Maybe. Nobody here has a crystal ball, that's why you are reading things like "uphill" and "difficult" instead of "yes" or "no". Depending on where you are, one of your best chances may be to match at your home department. If they like you and you have proven yourself in person, they may want to keep you around. A known entity which is liked and has marginal scores is sometimes better than an unknown entity with better scores on paper.

I think the most important things for you to take away from the above wisdom is:
1:you are not a shoe-in, but crazier things have happened
2:bust your butt starting immediately
3:have a solid back-up plan