Chances for Tufts Early Assurance Program

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Oct 28, 2013
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Hey there. I'm going into my sophomore year at Tufts and I'll hopefully be applying to the Early Assurance Program to Medical School. If anyone knows about stats and acceptances into the program (especially with eligibility applying only to Tufts undergrads this year) I would love to be chanced by someone.

Overall GPA: 3.75
Science GPA: 3.66
Relevant courses taken at time of application: Both semesters of general chemistry, calculus, both semesters of general biology, psychological statistics

Extra curricular activities, science related: 1.) Research student, Cleveland Clinic Department of Respiratory Therapy 2.) Research student, Lerner Research Intern Department of Neurosciences (one project awaiting publication) 3.) Emergency Room volunteer, Massachusetts General Hospital; Member, Tufts Premedical Society.

Extracurricular activities, non science related: principal trumpet of Tufts Symphony Orchestra; outreach intern with Tufts Youth Philharmonic aimed at exposing inner-city children to orchestral music; brass music coordinator for on-campus musicals (i.e. "pit" for different shows); Volunteer, special needs counselor to autistic children at a local camp (two years).

I understand this is a lengthy post, but any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks again!

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I've spoken to them a few times, but they really haven't said whether or not I'm competitive. Any other opinions from anyone who knows about this program?
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My friend from high school who applied to the Tufts early program and she said that they mostly look at your stats in determining whether you're accepted (and then your ECs). Your GPA might be a tad too low to get accepted. My friend said her year everyone who was accepted had a 3.9+.

Also to @gyngyn, the Tufts early assurance program is a program you apply to in your sophomore year of college (for matriculation after your senior year) and you can opt out later on if you want to.
Wow, that is crazy. Especially because I only have two B+'s on my academic record. Are there really that many kids with GPAs that high? What about selection for interview?
My friend from high school who applied to the Tufts early program and she said that they mostly look at your stats in determining whether you're accepted (and then your ECs). Your GPA might be a tad too low to get accepted. My friend said her year everyone who was accepted had a 3.9+.

Also to @gyngyn, the Tufts early assurance program is a program you apply to in your sophomore year of college (for matriculation after your senior year) and you can opt out later on if you want to.
Thanks, I thought he was talking about EDP!
Wow, that is crazy. Especially because I only have two B+'s on my academic record. Are there really that many kids with GPAs that high? What about selection for interview?

Well a couple years ago the program accepted applicants from 5 schools in the area (now they're just accepting Tufts students). I remember my friend said they accepted about 4-5 applicants from each school (with the exception of Holy Cross--they only accepted 1). There are bound to be at least 4-5 students (if not more) from Tufts with GPAs over 3.9 applying. The interview about double to triple that, so about 10-15 people will get interviews. My friend said it's pretty much a guaranteed interview if you have over a 3.8 with decent ECs, but you probably won't get accepted unless your ECs are amazing. I'm surprised your advising office hasn't said anything to you. My friend went to BC and she said they were very strict with who could apply and made copies of everyone's application so they could help the next class applying.
Would that be 3.8 overall gpa? Would having that 3.75 and being .05 below that really make a huge difference?
Sounds like you've talked with the people in charge of this program before.... I'd suggest actually getting real answers out of them. Ask them for the statistics on the classes that have been accepted through that program. Better straight from the horse's mouth itself
Would that be 3.8 overall gpa? Would having that 3.75 and being .05 below that really make a huge difference?

Honestly, you might be granted an interview, but it won't matter much. They already pretty much know who they're going to pick. It's just a formality.

You can still send in your app though. It's a good experience according to my friend. She ended up not going (was accepted)-- she couldn't justify the cost and applied elsewhere. She said it was good because it got her to work on her PS and her activities descriptions plus it got her some good interview experiences.
I'm not really sure what you mean by a formality. Could you elaborate on this?
These programs are usually incredibly competitive and I'd assume the majority of competitive applicants have at least a 3.9. If not, they have incredible extracurricular activities to supplement. You have a shot at it but I wouldn't say you're a competitive applicant by any means.
I'm not really sure what you mean by a formality. Could you elaborate on this?

Like @claduva94 said, it's really doesn't matter. Anyways, you can apply and see what happens. I've told you all that I know about the program, and it would be best for you to talk with your premed advisors about it because they would certainly know who got in in previous years and what their stats/ECs looked like.