Chapman University M.S. Pharmacutical Sciences vs. California Northstate Pharmacy Program??? Help!

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John T

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7+ Year Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Hello everyone,
I am in a currently in a tough situation. I understand that these schools are new and heard about their reputations so far. I had applied to these schools due to my GPA so I understand what I am getting myself into (newer schools). BTW, I got accepted for Spring 2018 to Chapman University's M.S. Pharm Science program. The last day to respond is November 28th. But then I have an interview for Northstate next month and still waiting on my other choices (Touro's masters, Roseman Pharm, and Western's Pharm programs). Should I deny Chapman's offer? I have asked them what my chances would be for Fall 2018. Does anyone have any additional information for these programs and schools? My number 1 choice is Western but hearing these schools early and needing to make a decision is tough.

Ultimately I want to get into pharm school and a masters program was my plan B. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

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Hello everyone,
I am in a currently in a tough situation. I understand that these schools are new and heard about their reputations so far. I had applied to these schools due to my GPA so I understand what I am getting myself into (newer schools). BTW, I got accepted for Spring 2018 to Chapman University's M.S. Pharm Science program. The last day to respond is November 28th. But then I have an interview for Northstate next month and still waiting on my other choices (Touro's masters, Roseman Pharm, and Western's Pharm programs). Should I deny Chapman's offer? I have asked them what my chances would be for Fall 2018. Does anyone have any additional information for these programs and schools? My number 1 choice is Western but hearing these schools early and needing to make a decision is tough.

Ultimately I want to get into pharm school and a masters program was my plan B. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

Hey I’m currently interested in pharmaceutical science and pharmacy. What prerequisites did you take? Did you do the Pre-pharmacy route? I’m a biology major with chemistry minor.
I actually went to Chapman University for my undergrad! I did my research at the pharmacy school for 2 years so I know a lot of the students and faculty. It really depends on what you're looking for in each school. Chapman's pharmacy school is in Irvine near lots of biotech companies, so they might have connections to industry. Their program is pretty flexible imo. Feel free to message me if you have any questions 🙂
Hey I’m currently interested in pharmaceutical science and pharmacy. What prerequisites did you take? Did you do the Pre-pharmacy route? I’m a biology major with chemistry minor.
I essentially took all the pre-reqs for pharmacy school, so essentially what a biology major would take.
I actually went to Chapman University for my undergrad! I did my research at the pharmacy school for 2 years so I know a lot of the students and faculty. It really depends on what you're looking for in each school. Chapman's pharmacy school is in Irvine near lots of biotech companies, so they might have connections to industry. Their program is pretty flexible imo. Feel free to message me if you have any questions 🙂

Awesome thank you for the feedback. Pharmacy school is my plan A and pharmaceutical sciences M.S. is my plan B. I actually deferred it until Fall 2018 to give some time for me to hear back from pharmacy schools.
Thank you for the input. How is the faculty and quality of the teaching?
If you're going to get your PharmD eventually, getting the MS isn't worth it in my opinion. It might help you be more competitive for pharmacy school apps, but it won't help you in the long run.
Awesome thank you for the feedback. Pharmacy school is my plan A and pharmaceutical sciences M.S. is my plan B. I actually deferred it until Fall 2018 to give some time for me to hear back from pharmacy schools.
Thank you for the input. How is the faculty and quality of the teaching?

I think of Chapman as the little pharmacy school that could. For most of the pharm school faculty there, it's their first academic job. Take from that what you will.
If you're going to get your PharmD eventually, getting the MS isn't worth it in my opinion. It might help you be more competitive for pharmacy school apps, but it won't help you in the long run.
After thinking it over, I definitely agree but if I am unlucky with my choices after interviews, I figured to use my time trying to apply again but doing a masters program as well. Are you or did you study pharmacy? I actually had an interview with Touro’s masters program which is a 10 month program that guarantees interview to their pharmacist d program. What do you think of that as a plan B?