Chemistry vs. biology major

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Jul 27, 2008
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Hello SDN,

I am having a tough time deciding. I finished all the core classes for a science major, now I have to choose what I should get my bachelors in.

If I choose biology, I can get the bachelors a semester sooner.
At the same time I feel that chemistry would prepare me better for pharmacy school since I would be able to take biochemistry classes.

So for anyone on this forum who has majored in either of these subjects, why did you choose that particular major?

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It's up to you. Just do whatever major you seem to like more. If you go for Bio, then upper division is going to be mostly bio classes and vice-versa. So it's entirely up to you. I plan on majoring in bio but taking Biochem anyway.
So it's all up to you!
Biology here also. Actually it was one of my "major requirements" that I take biochemistry, so I would think you should be able to take it at your school as well and have it applied to a biology undergrad degree.
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It's up to you. Just do whatever major you seem to like more. If you go for Bio, then upper division is going to be mostly bio classes and vice-versa. So it's entirely up to you.

Agreed. :thumbup:

I chose to major in Chemistry because that is probably my major strength in the sciences and that my upper-level courses would be major-Chem requirements NOT biology or biochemistry! Whew.
You should choose molecular/cell biology. Some of the classes in chem major, like physical chem, wont do you nay good in pharm school
Actually a couple of pharmacy schools do have a physical chemistry class as part of their curriculum.
You should do whatever one you are more interested in. Neither one is necessarily going to prepare you any better than the other. FYI, Biochem is a class you will most likely take in pharm school anyways. In fact the one I took for my major is the exact same one the pharm students take at my school. Lucky me, I get to do another semester of research instead of take biochem again (insert sick smilie here).