Technology Cingular Wireless PDA

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I am about to sign a contract with Cingular. I dont really have a need for one of those bulky PDA/Phones but if it will help me with Pharmacy School I will buy it. I am finishing my P1 year and was wondering if anyone recommends a Cingular phone/PDA that could help me in the future.

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I am about to sign a contract with Cingular. I dont really have a need for one of those bulky PDA/Phones but if it will help me with Pharmacy School I will buy it. I am finishing my P1 year and was wondering if anyone recommends a Cingular phone/PDA that could help me in the future.

Please refer to this thread on "PDAs in pharmacy", which is on the first page of Pharmacy forum discussions:

You may benefit from that discussion.

You may also wish to visit a special forum we have here on SDN - specifically for such technologies:

I never had a PDA in pharmacy school. It's not a major necessity for P2 year in most places. It may help, but I don't see the importance in having one as opposed to a laptop. For rotations, I'd recommend it. If you think it would help you in your place of work, then go for it. Except for playing games on it to pass the time, I don't think those few classmates were any more advantaged than me and my notepad/Lexicomp book.

Moving this thread to the Technology forum, where you could get good technological advice with respect to your inquiry on Cingular wireless PDAs.