Civilian physician wife, army husband

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10+ Year Member
Mar 10, 2010
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was wondering if anybody had experience with this combination. I'll be starting an IM residency next year with plans to be a hospitalist. Boyfriend currently overseas. Was wondering what would happen if we got stationed overseas - can I still practice? Would they be able to employ me at American/army hospitals?

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They can often employ you at the military facility. Otherwise it is going to be a sabbatical for you.
I would not count on being employed by the local hospital. If it were to happen it would be great, but I wouldn't plan on it being anything close to a "sure thing."

Some people would choose to remain behind to continue practicing, others would take a sabbatical. Another option would be to see about research opportunities or other medical possibilities in the host country as well.
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Thanks for the replies!

Is it even feasible to have a relationship with these jobs? Can I find a job if I may only be in a place for 2-3 years (assuming I'll be a hospitalist)? How would getting licensed, etc work? Anyone in a similar situation?
Thanks for the replies!

Is it even feasible to have a relationship with these jobs? Can I find a job if I may only be in a place for 2-3 years (assuming I'll be a hospitalist)? How would getting licensed, etc work? Anyone in a similar situation?

It's going to be a challenge. Geographic restrictions within the US are tough enough...overseas even more so. You will need to get a state license wherever you work. Not sure how overseas credentialed works. But that's probably not worth worrying about right now. Getting a job, on the other hand, could be incredibly difficult...and what you will lose sleep over.
Thanks for the replies!

Is it even feasible to have a relationship with these jobs? Can I find a job if I may only be in a place for 2-3 years (assuming I'll be a hospitalist)? How would getting licensed, etc work? Anyone in a similar situation?

Only real feasible option is to try to get a job at a DoD facility overseas. Any state medical license can be used for federal DoD facilities. Otherwise trying to get a job in the host country would be challenging to impractical.
Only real feasible option is to try to get a job at a DoD facility overseas. Any state medical license can be used for federal DoD facilities. Otherwise trying to get a job in the host country would be challenging to impractical.

What about jobs in the states?