Class of 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Class of 2013 owns ALL of SDN...... we are going to monopolize every thread and be on TOP of every page.

Check out my ed hardy Hi-TOPs!

haha ryserr, should i join you in our domination
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man these 2014ers are 😴 ... Adcoms will be wishing for the good ol' days when they could read our files.
Posting from my phone at work LOL
2013 is just jealous 2014 is better looking.
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LOL. Ouch that almost hurt my feelings.

But apparently my comment hurt yours more for you to pull the "this is what they probably look like" card.

I have pics posted in the picture thread.

So, stop being so jealous of us better looking 2014ers. :laugh:
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we need some kind of way to separate the 2014 people from the rest. some kind of tag or status. ill get back to you shortly while i think it over.

i just made the most baller roast beef sandwich right now, its comin out of the oven booya!
2013! Woohoo!

So any questions, us veterans can help you with, you naive premeds:laugh:
I rescind my last statement... posting with phone = SDN obsessed

Let me clarify, some of us are too busy having a life... 😎
Spending 6+ months studying for the MCAT=Life???

Wow, times have changed.
Hahahaha! This is funny! 2013 is really taking over! :laugh:
So 2013 may be taking over our thread (for now), but we'll have our time soon enough. Hopefully next year once we're all accepted to med school and graduated and have nothing better to do, we'll be giving 2015 the same hell we're currently being given. . . In the meantime, someone try and put an end to their ridiculous TOP idea. 2014 must post first on the next page
So 2013 may be taking over our thread (for now), but we'll have our time soon enough. Hopefully next year once we're all accepted to med school and graduated and have nothing better to do, we'll be giving 2015 the same hell we're currently being given. . . In the meantime, someone try and put an end to their ridiculous TOP idea. 2014 must post first on the next page

nah don't bother. we 2014ers got better things to do, other threads to troll. unlike the 2013ers who sit frothing at their mouths waiting for every 50th post to jump in with some witty post about tops.
nah don't bother. we 2014ers got better things to do, other threads to troll. unlike the 2013ers who sit frothing at their mouths waiting for every 50th post to jump in with some witty post about tops.

You're right. Besides, it's no secret who's tops on SDN. . . 2014
The 2013 kids have only a few months until their lives are officially over. Least after the MCAT is done and applications are in, we can officially enjoy the college life many of our peers have been enjoying for 4 whole years for the last year
The 2013 kids have only a few months until their lives are officially over. Least after the MCAT is done and applications are in, we can officially enjoy the college life many of our peers have been enjoying for 4 whole years for the last year

Could you repeat that? The applause in this auditorium is too loud.

we need some kind of way to separate the 2014 people from the rest. some kind of tag or status. ill get back to you shortly while i think it over.

i just made the most baller roast beef sandwich right now, its comin out of the oven booya!

Class of 2014, just a thought.........this is why we get no respect around here
i think im going to take a leave of absence guys. sorry.

i just think i need to retool myself so that when i come back maybe ill gain the respect i deserve from the class of 2013 on an internet forum.

pease out