Clinical rotations in US for international student?

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Jul 28, 2018
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Hi all, I've posted previously about thinking about going to a European medical school after finishing up undergrad in the states. In short, I ended up going back to my home country and am now a 1st year attending Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Studies last 6 years and each summer we need to complete 120 hrs of clinical rotations or "summer clerkship" as they call it here. I would like to visit New York over the summer and email a couple of hospitals there if I could attend their clinical rotations along with the other medical students. I've attached the "summer clerkship overview" sheet provided by my school explaining the objectives and necessary skills for 1st years to learn during their first clerkship. Please take a look. It's mostly nursing skills this year.

My question is; do you think what I'm trying to do is feasible? What should be included in the email to the NY hospital? Do you know anyone who did this sort of thing?

ALSO, I really don't know if it is the hospital that I should be contacting about this but a friend of a friend did her clerkship in Germany and that's what she did - any advice?

Thanks a bunch!

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I think it will be very difficult traveling to NY currently, especially with the current travel bans and halting of clinical clerkships in hospitals.
I think it will be very difficult traveling to NY currently, especially with the current travel bans and halting of clinical clerkships in hospitals.

Right, I’m assuming the situation will be calmed down by the time I need to start the clerkship which is gonna be August.
At least from what I have seen of current US MD curricula, there is usually not a rotation that teaches nursing skills. I did some of these things throughout various rotations, but our clinical years place less of an emphasis on the skills listed on your sheet (in my experience). I think even if you could secure a rotation at a school (you likely cannot), it would not meet your requirements unless it was through a nursing school - but it would not be a physician preceptor.