CMG Employed and Enjoying It?

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How can you tell when TH spits out the RVU? There is no way to make sure they don't short change you. Its like a magic wand they can wave and put out any number they want.

You never get a square answer as to "how are the RVU bonuses calculated?"

You guys know me. I can be a real squeaky wheel when I feel its the right thing to do.
Believe me, I've tried.

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You never get a square answer as to "how are the RVU bonuses calculated?"

You guys know me. I can be a real squeaky wheel when I feel its the right thing to do.
Believe me, I've tried.

In Vegas we found out that EmCare had been short-changing us on collections, and overcharging us on malpractice. A lawsuit was filed and they had to shell out $10,000,000 plus to the 60+ doctors in the group who were cheated as a settlement.

You can fight the power if they aren't living up to their contractual obligations. Always read the contract, ask questions, and demand to see the books. You should also be able to have the CMG provide to you the total amount of money that was billed in your name.
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In Vegas we found out that EmCare had been short-changing us on collections, and overcharging us on malpractice. A lawsuit was filed and they had to shell out $10,000,000 plus to the 60+ doctors in the group who were cheated as a settlement.

You can fight the power if they aren't living up to their contractual obligations. Always read the contract, ask questions, and demand to see the books. You should also be able to have the CMG provide to you the total amount of money that was billed in your name.

I'd just worry about being off the schedule quickly if I was too nosy.
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Strength in numbers. Get enough docs together, and they have a hard time firing your.
Until a rat in your group snitches on you a la Mao’s China. Then you’re off the schedule.