Columbia Premed Postbac - Anyone starting this Fall 2012?

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Jul 25, 2012
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I was (very) recently accepted to the postbac premed (md) program and am excited to start. For me, the decision to apply was a little bit last minute. I was already set to attend a different program at Columbia, but I applied to see what would happen literally right at the deadline. I was pleasantly surprised to be accepted! Now, I am just trying to figure out where to go from here. I will have to take all three placement exams. I am studying and not too worried about them, but knowing the test format would be a really big help. Multiple choice? Computer-interface? For me to do well, it's usually more about preparing for the actual test than it is preparing the material. Oh well.. I suppose I am just wondering if anyone else here is planning on attending this fall as well!

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I was suppose to start Fall 2012 but decided to start in the Spring and do the accelerated version- hopefully that decision won't come back and bite me.

Glad, you're not worried about the placement test materials. I'm FREAKING out. Not sure what books you are using to study but I heard that Zumdalh's Introductory Chem and Schaum's Outline of Precal are good. The package says that reviewing high school books is recommended so I was thinking of just buying a high school chemistry book and a high school precal book from amazon.

I really wish there were some practice tests we could take.:eek: