Common Interview Questions

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Dec 7, 2007
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I'm trying to prepare for upcoming interviews and wanted to know if anyone knows of some common interview questions.

Questions like why I want to study medicine, what is my greatest strength and weakness, how I will add to the diversity of the medical school are fairly common, right?

What else?


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Why that school, tell me about yourself
You mean Florida? I did my undergrad at UF.

I was a successful athlete at Florida, high GPA, decently tough major, average MCAT. I'm a twin.
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I'm trying to prepare for upcoming interviews and wanted to know if anyone knows of some common interview questions.

Questions like why I want to study medicine, what is my greatest strength and weakness, how I will add to the diversity of the medical school are fairly common, right?

What else?


You can always visit this site . Its where people who have interviewed post feedback on each school and the questions they were asked. You can browse each school individually and get the questions they commonly ask beforehand! :cool:

Good luck ! And... GO GATORS!!!
So how do you answer the diversity one, when you are a caucasian, straight, traditional premed??
You mean Florida? I did my undergrad at UF.

I was a successful athlete at Florida, high GPA, decently tough major, average MCAT. I'm a twin.

Haha, no, I meant "Why that School" and "Tell me about yourself" are common questions, lol. I think I've gotten asked both at pretty much every single school I've gone to.
Talk about your extracurriculars...your profile has a lot of about sports, clubs, etc. Those things should set you apart, or at least that's what I am banking on.