Sorry, this is patently false. Every issue is capable to be racially charged or have some sexually discriminatory bent unless you share every belief rank and file. If you don’t believe in taxes that means you’re pro gutting social programs, any relaxation of regulation is seen as signing up workers for slaughter. I know this sounds laughably absurd, but they are arguments that are made. I have a friend that is much more liberal than me and the only place he fell out of lock step was his views on the Israel-palestinian conflict, and it straight up cost him his friend group.
No, this is not a make or break issue. Yes, I am fine with people of other beliefs (I’m marrying a hippie). But you can’t pretend these rather tame opinions are not controversial at this point.
It’s not a big deal, I was just wondering bc it might be nice to find a program with that bent the same way it would be nice to find one with a crew team or a good sports team or something-holy ****.