Considering DO, but pretty new to all aspects of applying

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7+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2016
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Hello all,

I am currently a junior at an Arkansas public university. I am a Biomedical Biology major and took 18 hours every semester which has put me very far ahead, so I also am working towards a Psychology Minor. I have 2 semesters left and plan on taking my MCAT this summer. I currently have right at a 3.5 cGPA. I have played football while in college all four years which I am hoping will look good for the application. My E.C are very all pretty good as well:
shadow hours: 150+
volunteer hours: 200+
With all this being said, I am considering both DO and MD options and was just wondering (pending MCAT score of course) if I have decent chances overall of being accepted. I am planning to apply to Arkansas' only MD school (UAMS) and both of the new DO schools (ARCOM and NYITCOM).

any and all feedback is extremely appreciated.

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You would be competitive for your Arkansas DO schools if your MCAT is at least 500. You should receive an interview at UAMS with a MCAT of 505 or higher.