corona mcat cancelled dates - until april, may, june, july ?

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May 13, 2018
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so all mcat test dates until april 4 have been cancelled exam is june 5. do you think i should reschedule to july or hope for the best that it doesn't get cancelled? been hearing a lot of comments this corona thing is going to get worse before it gets better and not sure how long it'll last...i don't want to have my date cancelled with no alternative set...having my exam cancelled that last minute in june would basically screw me over bc by then all summer test dates would likely be filled especially if cancellations continue...but i also would rather take it june than july for deadline purposes. so basically how many dates do u think they will you think my june 5 test date would be affected, how long will this madness go on???

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I don't think anyone here will be able to tell you that. But I think it would be wise to not reschedule it because you'll end up paying a fee. I'd rather take my chances and have them reimburse me for rescheduling.
My exam is also June 5th, I think you should just study like it's going to happen. If it gets pushed even more than that's life. I'm confident in the fact that the AAMC will find a way to compensate for this even if it goes on for months and months. Whether that be offer more tests or push the cycle back entirely. This is going to disrupt A LOT of students they won't overlook that.

I'm right there with you though.... This is frustrating. Stay healthy.
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Yea the uncertainty is brutal. My date is April 24th and studying at home (vs the quiet of the library) has been really difficult o_O
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so all mcat test dates until april 4 have been cancelled exam is june 5. do you think i should reschedule to july or hope for the best that it doesn't get cancelled? been hearing a lot of comments this corona thing is going to get worse before it gets better and not sure how long it'll last...i don't want to have my date cancelled with no alternative set...having my exam cancelled that last minute in june would basically screw me over bc by then all summer test dates would likely be filled especially if cancellations continue...but i also would rather take it june than july for deadline purposes. so basically how many dates do u think they will you think my june 5 test date would be affected, how long will this madness go on???
My exam is also June 5th, I think you should just study like it's going to happen. If it gets pushed even more than that's life. I'm confident in the fact that the AAMC will find a way to compensate for this even if it goes on for months and months. Whether that be offer more tests or push the cycle back entirely. This is going to disrupt A LOT of students they won't overlook that.

I'm right there with you though.... This is frustrating. Stay healthy.
See you June 5th friends, lets hope for the best. non-canceled test day and 526's all around. :xf:
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