Cosmetic Dentistry?

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Aug 29, 2005
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I am a college student with a question.

Is there a specialty in dentistry called Cosmetic Dentistry?
Like for things like veneers, dental bonding, peroxide bleaching, etc.
Or is that included in the general dentistry package area?

I was just curious as to whether it existed or not?

Thanks for the help,

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Their are CE credits in this area but other than that it is in the GP package.
There is no ADA-recognized specialty for "cosmetic dentistry." These procedures are easily learned in dental school and weekend courses. Bleaching is a no-brainer and is often done by a dental assistant.

ALL dentistry is cosmetic. Even the dude wanting a gold front tooth is making a cosmetic request. I've never had anyone say "hey can you make me all ugly and snaggle-toothed?"
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Dutchboy said:
Their are CE credits in this area but other than that it is in the GP package.

When i went to school the cosmetics wasn't part of my package. But then again i got the cheaper package which only included how to scrape em. :)

It is unfortunate that some dentists advertise themselves as "specialists" in fields that are not ADA approved. I keep seeing advertisements as "TMJ Specialist, Implant Specialist, Oral Facial Pain Specialist, Cosmetic Dentistry Specialists" and to a layman person who does not know better, they think that those advertised are indeed "specialists". I think it is deceiving advertising. DP
Dr. Dai Phan said:

It is unfortunate that some dentists advertise themselves as "specialists" in fields that are not ADA approved. I keep seeing advertisements as "TMJ Specialist, Implant Specialist, Oral Facial Pain Specialist, Cosmetic Dentistry Specialists" and to a layman person who does not know better, they think that those advertised are indeed "specialists". I think it is deceiving advertising. DP

I wouldn't mind a "facial pain specialist". Get that crap out of my office. They take forever to work up and they aren't "procedure" patients. They are chronic patients with the plan being "palliative care". Give them to the DMD's and let the procedures come my way......