Counselor to Medical School

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7+ Year Member
May 17, 2016
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Hello everyone. As a child and even a undergraduate I thought about becoming a psychiatrist or going to medical school to become an OB/GYN but have always been discouraged to do so because I feel I am not good at science and math and decided to major in psychology instead. I currently 27 with a BA in psychology and MS in child psychology. I currently getting my LMHC because I wanted to do PHD counseling program but did the LMHC incase I didn't get into a program(give me license). As I've gotten older I learned that I do have a passion for helping people and I can be good in science or math but as long as I apply myself. I learned with these subjects I have to practice and study. I'm just sick of letting fear and other people advice get in the way of what I really want. I have been thinking of switching careers. Not because I don't like working with people with Mental Health but I want to push myself and also provide a comfortable life for myself. I know if I pursue a PHD or MD I will be broke for a while which I'm fine with. But I am trying to decide the best course of action if I decide to do an MD as a non-traditional student. I am currently at Hunter college getting my LMHC, I am thinking that I can take some pre-req course while I'm there. I am currently paying for this program out of pocket. But I do have student loans from my other degrees. What should I do?

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I have been thinking of switching careers. Not because I don't like working with people with Mental Health but I want to push myself and also provide a comfortable life for myself.
While wanting to make bank as a doctor is the baseline, I find your reasons for choosing a medical career to be be bad ones. If you want to push yourself, become a rock climber, join the Peace Corps or become a teacher.
While wanting to make bank as a doctor is the baseline, I find your reasons for choosing a medical career to be be bad ones. If you want to push yourself, become a rock climber, join the Peace Corps or become a teacher.
Thank you what I mean is I want to be challenged more in regard to being able to help people I do enjoy psychology but I feel like I can do more. I have thought about being a doctor for years but have been afraid to do it and also lacked maturity. I believe that now I am capable of doing it . I will be doing the same amount of years if I were to pursue a PHD in Counseling Psychology or go to Medical School.
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Are you working as a counselor now? It seems like you are setting yourself up to be a perpetual student...BA, MS, LMHC, post-bacc, some point it's time to get some real world experience.
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Are you working as a counselor now? It seems like you are setting yourself up to be a perpetual student...BA, MS, LMHC, post-bacc, some point it's time to get some real world experience.
Yes I work as a counselor now, I have always worked while I have been in school. So I have a lot of work experience as a counselor.
A good first step would be to do some shadowing or at least talk to some doctors to make sure it's a job you would want. Maybe now you can do science with your maturity but having a sense of what doctors really do would help. If it's something you wanted to do, doing the pre-reqs and seeing how that goes would be a good idea (start slow, GPA matters). It seems like you made a lot of career choices on things that seemed close enough to what you wanted to do, but not exactly. If you do medical school, you want that to be the final thing!