Count Towards Technical Standards?

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5+ Year Member
Apr 17, 2017
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Hi everyone,
recently I was offered a research position at NU where I'd be analyzing parent's behavior looking for nonverbal communication and other markers to see if there is a correlation in their behaviors to their children having autism. I've noticed that many MD schools in their technical standards have included: "perceive non-verbal communication, and describe changes in mood, activity, and posture"
Do you think doing this research would count towards this and help in the interview process?

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Agree with above - technical requirements are an afterthought for most applicants and you do not have to demonstrate that you can do any one of them to an outstanding degree (except that some of them may overlap with personal qualities the school seeks in an applicant). Bringing up your meeting this technical standard in the application/interview process would be akin to emphasizing that you have the grip strength to inflate a blood pressure cuff.

But if you're really interested in the project, by all means take the job and talk about the research itself in your application.